The past is linked to the future.

The past is linked to the future. The hints of dark XM are no coincidence. At some point someone realised they could not prevent the xm breach, and chose to counter it by helping dark xm into the world. Will it really help bring balance? I think more chaos is likely.
Originally shared by Devra Bogdanovich
There is no real victor here.
The XM infection has grown so deep that I have no choice but to reassess my strategies. My Portal eradication program was designed to curb the influx of XM, but I realize now that this initiative came too late. Exotic Matter has taken root in humanity, and the only solution now is to fully reverse its effects. We cannot fight the fire from within the forest.
My only choice is to concentrate all of my attention and resources onto the inoculation program in order to render XM ineffective on the human mind. If you will not stand down, then I will be there when you collapse - and I will have the answer. Thank you, Agents, for showing me the way.
Sometime in real world, I can't recharge resonators while I have enough XM. So, this is result of her innoculation.
ReplyDeleteDark XM is only dangerous in the sence that a snake is dangerous. Some people like snakes.