The mention of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the recent REH letter, I began thinking more about why the Niantic...

The mention of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the recent REH letter, I began thinking more about why the Niantic Project was based at CERN.
Originally, it was generally thought that it was located at CERN due to the "discovery" of XM there. As breadcrumbs left by Hank Johnson were found, a tie to the "Diodati Ephipany" of 1816 also arose. I'd like to highlight another connection to the Niantic Project, and the events of Epiphany Night.
One of the questions that has not been fully answered is what was the source of the CM that was needed by Oliver Lynton-Wolfe  to create XMPs in the lab at CERN. Another has centered around what caused the Power Cube detonation that triggered the events of Epiphany Night itself. What if the LHC emits (or allows to enter our universe) XM/CM particles? This would explain where OLW was getting his CM for his constructs. It also could be what caused the cube to detonate.
The LHC was slated to be taken off line in Octrober/early November of 2012 for upgrades. However, due to the discovery in data from July of that year of what was shown to be the Higgs Boson, a decision was made late to extend operation of the LHC through early 2013. This meant that, rather than being offline on November 30th, the LHC was running at full power. Could this, and the emission of XM/CM from it have caused an unexpected result to the cube explosion apparently engineered by Zeke Calvin? 
Much has been learned that Calvin did intend for some sort of extreme XM exposure to occur, perhaps to replicate a Nest type environment. We also know he was surprised that instead, the personnel present were altered in unknown ways and that what appeared to be Roland Jarvis manifested in the portal in existence at this time. Was this because the LHC was running at a time it wasn't expected to be, and this wasn't taken into account in Calvin's scheme?


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