I know VI is not mentioned a lot here , but since their last post has brought up some questions here is a catch up...

I know VI is not mentioned a lot here ,  but since their last post has brought up some questions here is a catch up of what is been going on during the last cycle.

So the WotD started having some strange message accompanying the codes. For simplicity I will leave code part of it out.

 The first word was HOSTILE TAKEOVER which seems to be on purpose if we look at the message that was hidden in it 

To all interested partieS.
_Greetings _
We woUld like tO inform that thIs cHannel for asset supply has Been takeN over but due to security Reasons we Cannot reveal our identity just yet.
EXpect More from us soon.

This was followed on the next day with this chatlog

After that a broken audio message was given. Here is a stitched version I did at the time. Sorry for any audio bizarre points.

A video on the following day, that seemed to honor JoJo Stratton  work so far.

The next day we got a creepy sounding message, that seemed to act as a warning to someone
This message had a second part that would lead to a SSTV transmission that decoded to a image of the VI logo

The last one before the Verum Inveniri  post was an audio wishing a happy birthday

We weren't sure what was going on and how real it was until the post I mentioned

In it , it seems the WotD is under VI power now to some degree.

But at the end of this I still have some questions.
- Is WotD under full control of VI or just the codes? They did sound like they were protecting JoJo Stratton .
- Is Portal Hunter not over yet? This was used in the past but it seemed to be over last time.
- And more important to me is what is project MK? Who is being invited to what?

I hope this helps and I hope some more will participate in this discussion. I am interested in hearing from others specially if I missed something.


  1. The most recent WotD has: "Jojo's Word of the Day: TAKE OFFLINE"

  2. Wow, thanks for posting this... I would not be surprised if the payload that usually accompanies JoJo's WOTD has VI as its origin, or at least an intermediary. The real question is: is JoJo Stratton​​ a member of VI (of course, exposing herself as such might bring her under some danger should nemesis ever resurface, so I don't need her to confirm, just food for thought). 😉

  3. I thought a recent word EDITOR WAR had some double entendre.  As in conflict over the 'editor' of the WoTD
    ( https://plus.google.com/+JoJoStratton/posts/BYaehMZsHRi )

  4. Being awarded the medal , as Edgar said can bring you to the attention of others in "power." Stay safe JoJo Stratton

  5. Words are more powerful than most ever care to acknowledge. And many more listen to your words than you probably will ever know.


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