It's official! It's not official! Er ... you know what I mean.
It's official! It's not official! Er ... you know what I mean.
Originally shared by Tedio Global
Introducing the Tedio Q3 Global Anomaly (in partnership with the British Dimensional Research Board), a Global Fielding Event and Personal Agent Challenge! (Keep Reading for More Details)
The Tedio Anomaly is a Full-Day Global Anomaly Event in coordination with the British Dimensional Research Board. A few weeks ago, the British Dimensional Research Board discovered major inconsistencies in the portal network, which if left alone, would lead to the demise of the Portal Network. To help remedy the effects of this global disaster, the BDRB has been working tirelessly on the development of a new XM item, the Tedio XM Stabilizer, which will help to stabilize the XM output of portals around the world. However, it requires vast amounts of XM in order to transfer to portals around the world, and so the BDRB reached out to us to create an event to raise the XM flow levels to transmit the Tedio XM Stabilizer to portals around the world. You can read up on the events that have taken place up to this point over on Margaret The Mystic 's Page.
The Tedio Anomaly is very unlike anomalies preceding it. Unlike most anomalies, which take place at key cities around the world, this anomaly will be heavily MU centered and has only key cells, which will factor into the scoring. The Tedio Anomaly Key Cells are:
AM03-Golf-00 (Houston, TX)
AM02-Echo-05 (Phoenix, AZ)
AM01-Foxtrot-06 (Denver, CO)
AM01-Mike-01 (Boston, MA)
NR01-Hotel-03 (Paris, France)
NR02-Golf-04 (Berlin, Germany)
PA03-Romeo-09 (Sydney, Australia)
PA01-Alpha-00 (Osaka, Japan)
Anomaly scores will not be calculated like normal for this most unusual event. Scores will be based on sever factors, but will be measured throughout the entire day, based on the Checkpoint System built into the Scanner Application.
Scores will be be calculated based on three factors:
Global Mind Unit Count
Anomaly Cell Mind Unit Count
Big Augmented Field (BAF) Mind Unit Count
Through the research of the BDRB, it has been determined that the winner of the Tedio Global Anomaly will vastly effect the status of the portal network. While participation will overall save the portal network from disintegration, it is up to the Resistance and the Enlightened to fight to impact the way that XM effects us now and in the future.
If the Resistance control this anomaly event, it is believed that XM levels of portals around the world will begin to stabilize at a lower XM output, and will help the humans around the world to start to develop a resistance to the "harmful" effects of XM on the human mind. If the Enlightened control this Anomaly, it is believed that XM levels will stabilize at a higher output, and human minds will be more open to the "enlightenment" available through XM, including the creativity that it brings.
As extra incentive for activity on the 12th of September, the BDRB will be hosting the Tedio Global Anomaly Challenge, for players on an individual basis to receive fame. Players who are active on the 12th of September will be able to enter their Agent Profiles into one of several competition categories, including:
Most AP Gained on the 12th of September
Most MU Captured on the 12th of September
Most Enemy Resonators Neutralized
and more to come! More information about the Tedio Global Anomaly Challenge will be released as the 12th of September draws closer.
It is your time to move, Agents. Get planning. Plan your BAF Operations. Be active on the 12th of September.
It's more than just a game.
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