On recent days we have been spoke a lot about ADA all the things that she has done, many place her as a real...

On recent days we have been spoke a lot about ADA all the things that she has done, many place her as a real villain, but on this text i’m going to speak about her,not like a villain but like a heroine, trying to cast a different light on everything she has done to the moment.

Let’s start with all the great thing she has done in the past: 
- She saved Devra, and give her access to many documents and resources so she could start her own investigation.
- She give Richard many leak about said project, after she started not to like the activities there.
- She saved Klue and Richard life, after the NIA sent an assassin after them
- She make said assassin, unable to keep killing comfortably anymore, after giving him total memory, she also did not kill him.
- She warmed devra that she was losing his focus, before she released of the portal virus.
- She let Klue go, when she decided, she had have enough.

So, i’m going to get to apply the monomyth or the hero’s journey theory to her and see if we can get somewhere on there.

This is the diagram that resume the hero’s journey, extracted from the wikipedia article.


So let’s say that the call to adventure was her escape from the Niantic Project labs.
She had several mentor, some good, some not that good, let personify them on Richard, Calvin, NI and Devra.

The period between Threshold, when she leave the childhood of just doing what she was told, directly or via her directives and the present moment has been full of Challenges and many temptations, as she, like many other heroes, yield a supernatural power, on the form of her almost ubiquitous presence, due to being an IA.
She acquired a partner in crime, when she merge her mind with Klue and probably failed most of those challenges she encountered, using her extraordinary power to impose her will:
- she keep the power of the recursion artifact
- she try to use the portal network to boost her own capacity, harvesting mind unit during Interitus.
- she try to force Hank to use herself as repository to research his recursive state.
- she helped deliver hank to his enemies, to be manipulated for Jahan and the antimagnus.
- she did nothing to save Devra from what seemed a dire destiny.

After all of this, ADA can probably be classified on a very particular kind of heroine, the tragic one. The definition of the tragic hero is the following:

A character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw that, combined with fate and external forces, brings on a tragedy

This downfall is normally associated with excessive pride , a characteristic that we all know ADA does have, she has said that she is never wrong and always make the correct choice based on the available data.

In the end, ADA lost her partner of crime,  klue.
What is curious about this separation is that Klue seem to blame ADA for it, as on her conversation with Susana, she mentions that ADA is distracted and don’t want to cope with her anymore. But on the other side, ADA says herself that she feel diminished when she lost her human part, Klue, which suggest that she did not really want this separation to happen.

This does not mean that any of them are lying, but that relations are complicated and that both could have stretched the limit or their relation without wanting to do so, creating a rift with miscommunication and assumed information.  

Amidst this situation, the attack came, Richard stated that it was not supposed to success and he is probably right and on other situations, it may not have great effect, but the heroine is wounded by all her previous mistakes and the lost of her partner of crime, so it does let her on the brink of extinction, she has entered the lower phase of the Hero’s journey, the Abyss. 

The next anomaly name, abaddon is a hebrew term used with reference to a bottomless pit, a place of destruction, apart that for the angel of destruction itself. After this monomyth analysis focused on ADA, I think, this name, made reference to the place, not the angel or the destruction itself.  It’s the next step on ADA’s journey.

If she manages to get out of abaddon alive, she maybe could get on her way out of being a tragic heroine with good intentions and become a real heroine, finishing the journey with the last two phases: Transformation and Atonement. 


  1. Quite an interesting perspective Ana Prados​. Let's hope Ada will come out triumphant from the #abaddon

  2. No Yik Sheng Lee, i did not forget. I was going to put them in there, as they can be classified as heroic acts if we presuppose (that does not need to mean that I seen then that way) that they were act that she did to protect the integrity of the Niantic project as part of her directives.

    As for Klue S., as she seem to be herself now, as she has said that their mind were connected, I don't think that there was any mind hacking.

    You have mention too, that if the quest for the Niantic project was to bring back the n'zeer, to harvest humans minds, you don't find it good, and it's true, that what would make her a tragic hero. Good intentions and motivation focussed on a bad or self destructive quest.


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