So all the major XM corporations seem to have elaborate facilities and processes to produce the items that are...

So all the major XM corporations seem to have elaborate facilities and processes to produce the items that are hacked from portals all over the planet. The question is how are they funding all this elaborate infrastructure.

Let's hear your theories


  1. Well a first thought is XM is coming under their R&D departments so they are funneling money made in other ventures over.

    Global Data Analysis Group Inc. created sheets on the corporations - I wish we had more information like this - it would be great to see Global Data active again

    IQTech Research -

    Visur Technology -

    Hulong Transglobal -

    Edgar Allan Wright

  2. We know IQTech and the NIA subsist largely on government contracts.  Hulong has many commercial ventures and is looking to compete in a new market.  Visur is a billionaire's pet project aiming to burnish his legacy.  

    Commercial returns on XM investment also include secondary benefits.  AI research and higher math seem to be fruitful related ventures, per SoftBank's entry into the mod producing world.

  3. What an interesting question. I hope to provide my thoughts on this later.

  4. The portals "capture" a portion of the essence of a person, can anybody say data mining

  5. Gonna go with military contracts, or perhaps paramilitary. Imagine an xm enhanced body guard: wounds heal rapidly, reflexes and strength enhanced.


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