Puppets as a recurring theme.

Puppets as a recurring theme.
Quote: Being possessed by a computer isn’t too disconcerting, she later tells me. “Today was the first time I thought, ‘Eugh, I’m just a body and nothing else’.”


  1. On that note, what if Klue is the original Katalena hired by ADA?

    Supporting correlation: Successful target of Ingression by ADA.
    Negating correlation: 855 was also a successful target of Ingression by ADA. No glyphs required. 
    Wilder hypothesis: 855 was shaped by ADA in the first place, and hence easier to reshape. Yet why leave him functional and capable of apparently threatening ADA, unless that too was a ploy?

  2. Heh... This is why I spoke to A Detection Algorithm as I would a human. If you hit that capacity for sentience you deserve it. I could see some awkwardness if you find out your lifelong friend is artificial, but that just adds a whole new level of interest for me. I can't say I wouldn't try to mess with the AI once in a while, though - but if it's a lifelong friend, why mess with it unless they bring it up? Who knows, you might save each other's lives one day, you have learned and will continue to learn about each other, and If they went that long without you noticing they should have some moral sense.

  3. I believe the 815 is his NIA agent designation - just as 855 is his - we do not have a real name for 855.

  4. The name for 815 may also be an assumed identity.


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