What "dial tone" is.

What "dial tone" is.
The original context would be SETI, hence Arecibo and the assumption of Shapers as aliens.

Quote: A “dial tone” signal, only giving evidence of intelligence, will be quite different in impact from the decipherment of significant amounts of information.

See also: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1995ASPC...74..521D


  1. The dial tone has even more significance by virtue of the simplicity of its design. Not only does the very existence of the dial tone imply the intelligence of those who crafted it, it also provides a medium by which information may be transmitted. Rather than deliver an active message, it passively awaits the 'other end' to pick up the receiver and speak into it, suggesting a peaceful use.

    Consider: if a dial tone were a trap, it would make much more sense to include more information, such as bait, to lure a prospective prey item. One could argue that the curiosity of the prey upon finding a dial tone would be trap enough, but the necessity of the technology and understanding necessary to use the dial tone properly indicates the party on the receiving end would have at least some capability. In a predator/prey relationship, the predator will always seek prey that is less able to defend itself.


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