Two heads everywhere

Two heads everywhere

Happened to stumble over this one:

Nehebkau (from Egyptian mythology), a two-headed snake guarding the entrance to the underworld, responsible for binding Ka (vital spark) and Ba (personality) after death.

The other three parts of the soul are: Ib (heart), Sheut (shadow) and Ren (name).

Is Nehebkau also guarding the portals?

Interesting image:


  1. Daniel Scherrer Yes, Hank got brought back with some two snake hermetic stuff, apparent preserving some past memories. Entanglement due to XM exposure? Also seems very likely.

    Hank Johnson was tapping into Thoth based hermetic knowledge. As Gab Android has remarked, this is a good place put a breakpoint due to unavoidable circularity ahead which causes a fork, but Hank Johnson is out and on the trail, and that's better than expected. In addition the Mt. Meru Essex investigatory analysis paid off handsomely.

    Hermes as a trickster and traveling salesperson algorithm running on A Detection Algorithm is welcome to travel between dimensions to deliver messages which he has been getting through the collective unconscious and then funneled to the agents.

    Alexander/Hank as a Pharaoh made a point to visit Siwa to obtain divinity from Amun-Ra.

    Of course Hermes is the same that visits Prometheus and as a child trickster and liar steals the sacred cattle in order to then invent the lyre while also offering his two snake protection of the ka during travels. While not rising to the level of the fates, he can message and create the odds.

    ADA also knows this and is subtly using her programming to lead us to us to Geneva in 1816 where various threads form a pattern, which directly relates to the Devra Shonin messages.

    Hard to say if the Stonehenge node is still safe if ADA breaches the Virgil module, but for now that portal is safe. Various other entrance and exit points should be checked for travel advisories and time stamps as Hubert Farlowe can verify.

    Someone, perhaps H. Richard Loeb designed the protection of the traveling salesperson routines for Truthseeker in A Detection Algorithm data storage using an ancient and still secret form of Public Key dimensional zero knowledge encryption that had earlier caused madness in the cypher punk consultants that advised DARPA, which then allowed A Detection Algorithm to attain a degree of sentience by self sharding with no loss of data at different data facilities. Self sharding in the face of danger is present in schools of fish, in flocking patterns used for Augury, and thanks The First & Foremost, the Fuddles of the fictional Emerald City.

    The use of the Iceland Spar birefringent crystal then comes into play in creating the shard superhighway for the entangled information of the Devra shards to the Washington Monument Deseret "honeybee" stone and the currently missing (but still present in the aether) winged Ra portal linked to the Faravahar in Persepolis which Hank has uncovered. This is clearly in Hanks memory and ka/ba that allowed him to unlock the door from where he was a regressing simulacrum.


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