The glyph for N'ZEER is interesting to reexamine given the glyphs HARM and DANGER.

The glyph for N'ZEER is interesting to reexamine given the glyphs HARM and DANGER.

The mysterious top cone is shared between SHAPERS and N'ZEER. It narrows down to CLEAR for N'ZEER, but opens out in the case of SHAPERS. The expansion could be akin to DIE, but on the other hand the rightmost extension would be NEW, and the leftmost would then be unknown.

Originally shared by H. Richard Loeb

Met Klue S. in person for the first time in a long time. 

I took an oath of secrecy about everything I observed and learned. I know truthseekers aren’t supposed to do that, but I did it for her. As I think we were all expecting, she’s in a state of transition, and worried about lots of things. Who is what, who knows what, more.

It was interesting, and, like most mysteries, the truth was right in front of my face. That’s all I can say, for now. 

Now on to other topics, I’m no Lightman, but I do understand the complexity and intricacy of the Shaper Glyphs. Pyxaron Dragon ‘s analysis of some of the potential hidden meanings is quite amazing, and worth a deeper study. I've attached his image here, and the post can be found here:

It’s actually an old post, but it’s only come to my attention now. Just one of those many treasures buried deep in this community of minds. Stein Lightman … I hope you get a chance to see this. I’m sure you’ll unravel much more from this than I can.




  2. Nice to see that I am not the only one to see this.

  3. I always found it interesting that Shaper could be seen as the combination of nature and war.

    The N'zeer glyph, on the other hand, seems to be some strange amalgamation between danger, clear and whatever the horizontally-mirrored form of danger would resolve to.

  4. It's also interesting to contrast PERSPECTIVE and N'ZEER. The former is open, while the latter is not. Wait, is it then CLEAR for N'ZEER and PERSPECTIVE for SHAPERS? Using a placeholder for the mystery triangle cap, that means N'ZEER = [unknown] + CLEAR, SHAPERS = [unknown] + PERSPECTIVE

  5. Here is an interesting thing I noticed.  Look at the glyph for "defend" and "nature."  

    Superpose the glyphs onto each other. 

    Remove the extraneous lines.

    You are now let with the shaper glyph.

  6. Mario Valenzuela II you mean human?

  7. Wait..  /facepalm  I always get attack and defend confused.

  8. ? + Nature = Shaper glyph.

    Human + Civilization = ?2

  9. I think one useful thing to try to nail down when it comes to glyphs is which kind of symmetry means what. For example, it seems like the general rule is rotating a glyph by 180 creates its logical inverse. For example, rotating create by half a rotation produces destroy; same with old and new, past and future, etc

    But what about other kinds of symmetry? And what about glyphs that don't have a symmetrical partner? Is there anything special about ones that can be reflected in multiple ways--as in the case of past and future, for instance, which can also be horizontally reflected to produce the other?

    And then there are other questions, like why are help and harm not symmetrical, even though they represent logical opposites? Danger and safety?


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