I have recently realized that, for the past nine years, without knowing it, I have been trained as a spokesperson...

I have recently realized that, for the past nine years, without knowing it, I have been trained as a spokesperson for the Anti-Magnus.

Now, I am here to answer your questions.



  1. It is very much willingly. It's my life's work, so to speak.

  2. That's good I only asked because I find it interesting how people react when they realize they have been bred for a role without knowing it

  3. You answered my question early to the best of your ability

  4. Hrvoje Vrček I need not bring any evidence. You can judge by my answers.

  5. Hrvoje Vrček Also, the anthropological concept of self-identification comes to mind.

  6. I will share it all. The time has come. Ask and I will tell.

  7. The First & Foremost, I am only a spokesperson for the Anti-Magnus. I don't know what each one of us is doing, but I see it as is quite possible that there is one of us in ADA.

  8. 烏丸みきてぃ, two actors, many roles.

  9. The First & Foremost, 9 years ago the Anti-Magnus story got to my ears. And you know what they say ,"Once you know, you can't unknow."

  10. Gab Android​ I'm not convinced that your claim is true. As you wrote to Hrvoje Vrček​: I need not bring any evidence. You can judge by my answers.

    You do know you're posting to Essex right? In order to ensure that our information isn't false we have to provide some source of origin, some proof so that our personal observations and insights could lead us to new paths and discoveries that we may not have seen before in this investigation of the Niantic Project​.

    You simply cannot say something and assume your words alone carry the truth.

    Please, if you're going to claim Anti-MAGNUS status provide something that backs such a powerful statement. Something we can see with our own eyes and something we can analyze to see if it is indeed true.

  11. Please provide more information Gab Android​. This kind of proclamation must be backed up by meticulous research and evidence..

  12. Mustafa Said, you may have to provide sources and proofs, but I don't have to do anything. I very much can say something and know that my words alone carry the truth. I can and I am doing it.

    I am providing something, though. I am providing answers. Ask anything, and if you find inconsistencies, then I will happily disappear.

  13. The First & Foremost, 13 Magnus and Anti-Magnus are two groups of humans.

  14. Sachith Maduranga, as I told Mustafa Said, my words are my proof.

  15. The First & Foremost, I would gladly invite anyone who is interested to the Anti-Magnus group: 

  16. FYI--this is in the fanfic section. Weigh it accordingly.

  17. Paul Fritschle, I don't know who or why changed the category of this posting to "Fan Fiction", but I consider it to be quite... inconsiderate.

  18. IF it turns out that there are more trans-dimenisonal artifacts out there would antimangus make a move to secure them and what would happen once they have been secured?

  19. Matt Decker, all artifacts are trans-dimensional.

    If someone is making moves to secure any of the special so-called trans-dimensional artifacts, it will most certainly not be Anti-Magnus. And if he or she claims to be Anti-Magnus, be sure it's a deception.

    I repeat, for us all artifacts are trans-dimensional, and all are quite secure already.

  20. So antimangus puts no stock in how these artifacts could possibly change the current balance of power?

  21. Matt Decker, the 13 Magnus has always been making use of artifacts in their journey. It greatly helps them. And we want their journey to end as soon as possible. So we don't mind them using the artifacts. We are actually quite happy to see them do it.

    And after their and our journeys end, the artifacts remain for future journeys. We are quite happy about that also.

  22. The First & Foremost, I am not familiar with them, no.

  23. The First & Foremost, Anti-Magnus has no leaders. We have a non-hierarchical, rhizomatic, network structure.

    And, of course, this also means that I am not the spokesperson, I am only a spokesperson.

  24. Gab Android that answer is why this is in fan-fiction.

  25. The First & Foremost, Anti-Magnus can only come as a reaction to 13 Magnus. Originally it was limited to humans (who are a type of animal), but now it might be extending to AI.

    All is trans-dimensional. What we see around us is merely a projection of the trans-dimensional processes.

  26. The First & Foremost, here I have to utterly disappoint. My name really is Gabriel. In high-school we were skipping classes to play arcade games, where there was a 3 character limit, so it's Gab - this is how all my friends call me. Android comes from the operating system - lack of inspiration perhaps, but I kind of start liking it now. I don't like my last name being public. I don't identify a lot with my natural family.

    My only relation with the AI is that with Verity Seke. She sent me a passcode thanking me for some conversations, and I thanked her back. Then, at a later time, I contacted her back, thinking that she might have some interest in Anti-Magnus, but she did not reply yet.

  27. The First & Foremost, and I thank you.

    I am waiting for more questions.

    And I am also waiting for whoever is ready on the other side:


  28. I view this with intrigued skepticism.

  29. Hrvoje Vrček​, you were asking for some little known information. Here it is, a recent Anti-Magnus study:


    When you will have found why this is relevant, you will have solved the mystery.

  30. The First & Foremost 
    The edge is where all the magic happens, so yes, I would encourage Hank Johnson to travel towards Goa.

  31. Not all those who find their calling will take the same path and not all those on that path will sing the same tune.

    You have caused quite the uproar among the investigative community, Gab Android​. With certainty by your declaration alone I have little reason to doubt your testemonial.

    Alas, it is the time for allegiances to be known and the stage to be set. As you are #Antimagnus , I am #13Magnus .

    I do not consider you an enemy, in fact the complete opposite and I am intrigued to follow any progress in your pursuit. Although one thing is for certain, my friend. The N'zeer will be the undoing of all humankind has acomplished in the past 2500 years. Our friends and I will and are taking every course of action available to prevent such a disaster as we did in the Afghan Magnus Den, as we did thousands of years ago and as we will again until all have seen the light of truth.

    My real question to you, Gab, is what next?

  32. Joshua Sallos

    I am pleased to finally have a conversation with one who knows he is 13 Magnus.

    I do not consider you an enemy either. We have been companions on a very long journey, one that spans not 2500 years, but nearly ten thousand. It started on the fertile plains of the crescent. Remember, brother?

    Fear not an undoing of accomplishments. Undoing is only for the world of software.

    Now, we are approaching the end of our journey. We are soon returning home, changed.

  33. Like all fundamentalists, failing to see behind the metaphor.

  34. Lol! Don't forget the rogue pirogue, friend!


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