Transdimensional contact experiment planned.

Transdimensional contact experiment planned.
Isn't there an #Ingress  anomaly in a few days? The hype in this type of science writing is heavy, but the timing is suggestive of more than coincidence.

Quote: If successful a completely new universe will be revealed – rewriting not only the physics books but the philosophy books too. It is even possible that gravity from our own universe may ‘leak’ into this parallel universe, scientists at the LHC say.


  1. so they say, seems they have alot of IQ, and little wisdom of application imo

  2. Jack Baldwin​
    Don't worry too much about the lack of applications.

    The only reason we have MRI, PET, CAT, GPS, satellites, cell phones, tablets, laptops, computers, electronics in cars, space vehicles, literally our entire electronic modern world is because of a discovery way back in the 1920's that had absolutely ZERO application when it was discovered. It was literally totally useless.

    We call it quantum mechanics. And our modern world is founded on it.

    We have no idea what discovery might transform our world 20-50 years after discovery. But surely, you wouldn't tell people we shouldn't have spent all those millions discovering quantum mechanics would you? And by extension I would hope you wouldn't say we shouldn't try to discover new things today just because we don't see how it could be useful.

  3. and how has that worked out for folks, if the application is not known before hand than it is not something I see as possibly being understood well enough to actually use in a responsible fashion. I have obviously have no say, and have already seen an event where cern blows up the world. it was not my world. Hate to break it to folks, where I am is fine, and cern isn't operating. and the date is 3/22/2015 I have no clue how your seeing that date, or even my image as it was changed from my perspective though I never changed it. perhaps it's other folks that might want to take a step back and wonder if they might be ones needing to learn a few new tricks. Seeing as no one seems to be able accurately figure out how I do mine.  I was never part of the ingress game world. period. I have no contractual agreements of any kind with anyone. I do not do contracts. they are shackles. I do not even take jobs anymore, they are slavery in different form. humans are going to do stupid human stuff. it's what humans do. People are left to clean up the messes people make with the toys they have only an inkling of comprehension about.
    I've already stated my position with some of the folks at niantic, they are aware I am not a part of this game world, even though everyone thought I was just a hidden part, that was going to be sprung as a cool twist. I was like this before ingress was even an idea from my perspective.  it was just a slightly off kilter version of a puzzle I was already working out, so I added into my data set to be accounted for. I can account for quite a bit, one of things I'm finding less and less room to allow into my being is people doing stupid crap to blow up a world that was never theirs

  4. Jack Baldwin
    First of all read my last post about discovering things. And you can NEVER know the application of what hasn't been discovered yet.

    And you're either a liar or a public leach on welfare(but able to work) either way, your opinion is worthless.

  5. Robert Pruitt seems to me dark matter and dark energy haven't been discovered yet, only assumed, but application has already been put in place.....

  6. Robert Pruitt nope. It's the multiple applications of electric discharge, electric currents, electric power, electric field, and most of all the works of Tesla.
    We do live in electric universe regardless of blindness and stupidity of masters of repetition.

  7. Bruno Suric​​​
    Well, I suppose it depends on how you look at it.
    If you're out in the woods and see a bears paw print in the dirt, you KNOW there is a bear, even though you haven't seen it. And if you see a paw print you don't recognize, it doesn't mean that nothing made it. You still know something is there. And if you know the math you can take those prints and get a very good idea of it's weight and height. All without seeing it directly.

    Dark matter/energy is the same. While we haven't been able to see it to know exactly what they are, we can, and do, measure their effects on the universe.

    So while we're not sure if they are even matter or energy, we know those forces exist without coming from what we do know.

    So they are real. We're just too stupid right now to figure out what they are. 

    And your multiple theory doesn't work at all I'm afraid. X amount of energy is just that, an X amount. It can not multiple over and over again for any reason. That breaks all kinds of well established and extensively tested physics. The math just doesn't work. I'm sure physicists would love for your theory to be right as it would make their job much easier.

  8. Robert Pruitt it seems to me that everyone had suddenly forgotten that dark whatevers got pulled out of the magic hat to make big bang theory work.
    The two concepts never existed before. Prior to discovery of not having enough gravity within galaxy, dark whatevers did not exist even in fairytales. Truth to be told, there were, and still are different means of explaining said phenomenon. It is called electromagnetism, as noted on recent decent on comet when double flash occured (discharge), or complete lack of water on comet's body whose tail is literally drowning in water (discharge combined H and two O's).

  9. Robert Pruitt on the other hand, dark stuff is pure theoretical concept that is still to be discovered. Hence the experiment in lhc.
    If dark whatevers were to be facts, not concepts, there would be no need for lhc experiment.

  10. Bruno Suric
    Incorrect. The terms dark matter and dark energy are merely placeholder names. While we don't know what exactly they are, we can measure their effects.

    As I said about the animal prints that you don't recognize, just because you don't know what is doing it, doesn't mean it can't be measured.

    We do, for a fact, know there is something, just because we don't know what it is doesn't change that fact.
    The LHC experiments are to try and figure out what it is, not if it is real.

  11. Robert Pruitt​ first of all read all of my post before posting. And since you fall into domaine of people who still can't see where something a billion billion billion billion billion times stronger than gravity fits in, you are either a liar or a public leach on welfare(but able to work)
    Either way, your opinion is worthless, because science is about facts and not about presumption, opinion, and concepts.

  12. Bruno Suric
    Glad to see you figured out how to use copy/paste. Now we just need to work on your capitalisation, spelling, grammar, and punctuation and you'll be up to sixth grade level.

    But if you think there is any force that's anywhere near that much stronger than gravity you are truly an idiot of epic proportions. We have the fundamental forces worked out quite well.

    But you are correct about one thing(always a first time for everything I guess) science IS about facts. You got any? Nope, didn't think so.

  13. Robert Pruitt​ facts:
    Dark matter hasn't been put through scientific approach.
    Dark energy hasn't been put through scientific approach.
    Inflation hasn't been put through scientific approach.
    Big bang hasn't been put through scientific approach.
    Higgs bosson hasn't been put through scientific approach.
    Black holes haven't been put through scientific approach.
    Red shift hasn't been put through scientific approach (intrinsic redshift).
    Magnetic field does not exist without electric current.
    Electric current does not exist without magnetic field.
    You repeat things you were told or read (mastered copy/paste technique).
    You do not reason with logic.
    You do not see huge improbability of the infinite density within zero volume.
    You do not know how much quantity of time it takes for anything to reach infinite density (infinity).
    You close you eyes to the fact that electromagnetism is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times stronger than gravity.

  14. Bruno Suric​​​
    I'm not sure what you mean by "approach", but I'm guessing it's related to independent testing?

    And no we don't know WHAT dark matter/energy is, but we can and do measure It's effects. It's a simple concept, and if you don't "get" it you're lost in science.
    Inflation- been there, done that. We measure it as well. Biggs boson is a done deal. We found it, more than once. But we still have a lot of work to do to flesh out all of its properties and effects. Redshift is well understood, we use it over short distances as well(in the lab short) as well as long distances.

    And I guess you don't know that we make magnetic fields everyday without involving electricity. It's super easy. We also make electricity without using magnetism as well. Seriously these things are easy as he'll.
    You also don't seem to understand what infinity means in science. If you have a hotel with an infinite number of rooms with an infinite number of people occupying those rooms, you can put more people into more rooms. It's a little complicated, and I'm not your teacher.

    The big bang has never been claimed to be the truth, just the most likely answer based on what we know. And while we can't directly see a blackhole, it is similar to the dark stuff in that we can see it's affects. We see the gases spiraling into a dark hole in space, we see the energy surrounding this dark hole, we see the energy jets shooting out of the magnetic poles of this black hole. Since "something" is there keeping light from escaping, and the only thing that can stop that light is gravity, we have a blackhole.

    And while gravity appears much weaker we can't really get a good measure because we haven't figured out how gravity does its thing yet. More study on the Higgs might help with that. But it matters not in regards to my other posts.

    Oh and the reason the Sun shines is because gravity beats electromagnetism inside the stars core. Gravity is by far the least understood of the four forces.

  15. Robert Pruitt nope. I see electric currents all around me.
    My view is different. We'll have to agree to disagree. The only way forward is a heated argument that will end bad. Let's not do that. No amount of posts will be enough to change my mind. Same applies the other way around. Still, good debate is a nice thing.
    You see, I completely disagree with the information presented by mainstream. From my point of view there's no need to introduce unknowns to make equations and theories work. Balanced diet of gravity and electromagnetism work just fine.
    Judging by the difference in your and my comments we cannot come to mutual ground. Let's leave it at that. Greetings from cold rainy Ireland.

  16. Bruno Suric
    LOL, we can indeed agree to disagree my friend. Rather nice to debate something without changing the others mind and it not devolving into an insult match.

    But I would ask you to look up the magnetic fields generated in the lab by molten nickel. It seems that pretty much any melted metal creates a magnetic field when you spin it.

  17. Robert Pruitt The Earth generates a magnetic field from the flow of molten metal in its core. Lab experiments have generated fields in a similar way, and in the 26 January Physical Review Letters, researchers report that they can create the self-sustaining magnetic field even when the flow is highly turbulent. The new experiment is a more realistic simulation of Earth’s dynamo than previous experiments because the fluid flows freely in a large tank instead of being channeled into prescribed patterns with baffles or tubes. The new design should help researchers better understand the factors that give rise to magnetic fields in planets and stars.

    It’s easy to create a magnetic field by using a battery to force an electric current through a loop of wire. But Earth’s core, a rotating mix of iron and nickel with internal flows driven by the passage of heat, has no battery and no wires. Instead, it creates magnetism by means of self-sustaining feedback. Liquid metal moving through a magnetic field generates a current, similar to that induced in the moving coil of an electric generator. That current in turn generates the magnetic field. This “self-generation” mechanism can dramatically amplify the small, random fields that always exist in magnetic materials. To do this, though, the flow must be both complex, mixing up the longitudinal and latitudinal directions, and rapid, “tangling up” magnetic field lines faster than they can untangle.

    This was taken from

  18. +Robert Pruitt In the Earth, though, the electric current isn’t passing through wires – it’s caused by the swirling around of molten iron in the outer core.

    Taken from

  19. Robert Pruitt there can not be magnetic field without electric current.
    Your move 😁

  20. Jun 12, 2013

    In the gravitational model of the universe, “dark matter” attraction pulls galaxies into filaments. Birkeland currents could be a better explanation.

    A paper in the astronomical journals and popular press identifies an area of space as a “huge hole” completely empty of matter and energy.

    “Not only has no one ever found a void this big, but we never even expected to find one this size,” said researcher Lawrence Rudnick of the University of Minnesota.

    The hole isn’t really a hole, it is an area of space where the temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is lower than the surrounding region. Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson inadvertently discovered the CMB in 1965 in the now fabled experiment where they detected noise in the signal coming from a radio receiver they were building. After cleaning out pigeon nests from the horn of the radio receiver and rewiring the system from top-to-bottom, the noise persisted. Finally, after weeks of investigation into the cause, the noise was identified as coming from every region of the sky and not from their receiver.

    The “noise” was later to be called the “remnant signal from the beginning of the universe” because it appeared to be radiating uniformly at a microwave frequency corresponding to a temperature of 2.7 Kelvin (– 270.3 Celsius). Since the expanding universe theory had been popularized by Gamow in 1948 as an initial zero-point energy field inflating into the space-time that we experience today, the electromagnetic energy created in that event should have cooled and dimmed over the billions of years since it came into being. The discovery by Penzias and Wilson confirmed the hypothesis (as well as several other competing hypotheses).

    Now, after analyzing data from the Very Large Array radio telescope in New Mexico, a drop in temperature has been detected. According to the “redshift-equals-distance” theory, the “void” extends for almost a billion light-years.

    “Although our surprising results need independent confirmation, the slightly colder temperature of the CMB in this region appears to be caused by a huge hole devoid of nearly all matter roughly 6 to 10 billion light-years from Earth,” Rudnick said.

    The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) was launched June 30, 2001, from Cape Canaveral in an attempt at understanding some unusual telemetry returned by the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite in 1992. Temperature fluctuations appeared in the data, which seemed to mission specialists as if there were regions of lower mass density in the universe. Since the Big Bang theory did not account for such areas of anisotropy – matter and energy should be evenly distributed – an instrument was manufactured with higher resolution detectors. The WMAP survey verified COBE’s results.

    The Electric Universe (EU) theory has an entirely different way of addressing these matters. It does not rely on unseen and undetectable matter whose existence can only be inferred. It does not violate its own gravitational cosmology by inventing an anti-gravity force so that galactic acceleration can be explained. Instead, EU theory states that what we see in the universe is what we get. The electric currents flowing through ionized gas and dust provide the energy for the stars and present themselves in straightforward and understandable ways without resorting to arcane sophistry.

    As author and EU theorist Wal Thornhill points out:

  21. “If Arp and others are right and the Big Bang is dead, what does the Cosmic Microwave Background signify? The simplest answer, from the highly successful field of plasma cosmology, is that it represents the natural microwave radiation from electric current filaments in interstellar plasma local to the Sun. Radio astronomers have mapped the interstellar hydrogen filaments by using longer wavelength receivers. The dense thicket formed by those filaments produces a perfect fog of microwave radiation—as if we were located inside a microwave oven. Instead of the Cosmic Microwave Background, it is the Interstellar Microwave Background. That makes sense of the fact that the CMB is too smooth to account for the lumpiness of galaxies and galactic clusters in the universe.”

    So, in reality, there is no temperature fluctuation from the earliest days of the universe. There is no CMB and there is no anti-gravity accelerating matter in the distant cosmos to almost the speed of light. Birkeland currents flowing through plasma in mega-parsec filaments ignite the stars and form spinning galactic pinwheels as far out as our instruments can see.

    Stephen Smith

    Taken from Thunderbolts Project page.


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