Message(s) from Devra Bodganovich(+?)

Message(s) from Devra Bodganovich(+?)
Assembled hacked media in EXOTIC order.

Devra Bogdanovich  #Ingress


  1. Whoa. Thanks for assembling this... all of the sides of Devra represented here.

  2. This really looks to me like two entities battling for control of Devra's mind, like an outside entity has been planning to hijack her since Aricebo and was finally able to introduce a running thread to her mind while it was fragmented. If she is reassembled and embodied it may not be Devra in control but instead an amalgam with the original ego suppressed.

  3. Yes, JoJo Stratton , all roads lead there. Perhaps this will be the name of the next anomaly series.

  4. I suspect her words if I am just the beginning is exactly that Jim Lai

  5. Alexander burned the royal palace at Persepolis. What was the real reason?

  6. oh dear - the fire everyone has mentioned since the start of Niantic....

  7. I wonder if one of those roads will be passing through Toronto. Some Truthseekers there recently encountered anomalous XM bursts. #ComicCon

  8. Mike Wissinger , I wonder which Devra we will see. We've definitely seen more than one Klue S. .

  9. Was that a back shot of ADA towards the end?


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