Trying to figure out why could Klue S. separeate from ADA now, what have changed, I noticed that we never did...

Trying to figure out why could Klue S. separeate from ADA now, what have changed, I noticed that we never did address the fact the we got two separate uncomfortable mission with the same information but subtle diferences between them.

1) Posted by sagard, the text is as follow (for clarity, since the post, only contains the images):

ADA: I want you to contact Richard Loeb
Klue: I don't think he wants to talk to me after what happened
ADA: That is correct, but all understanding I have of human nature tell me that he will be unable to resist seeing you
Klue: Is the use of the word "Resist" some kind of a pun
ADA:I have not quite developed the human 'sense of humour' yet, but I do see how the clever use of punning wordplay could be amusing.
Klue: I always found puns kind of Embarrassing.
ADA:But they can also be 'Enlightening'.
Klue:You just did it. You made your first joke.
ADA: I will explore Humour more. it's dependence on Irony forces the connections of unrelated events, much like creativity.
Klue: So what am I supposed to say 'Hey Richard... Sorry about what happened, how about getting together for dinner?
ADA: I detect a form of humour know as seems that humour often contains an element of anger.
Klue: You are asking me to do something uncomfortable.

Post on Essex:

2) Posted by InvestigatorX some time afterwars and referenced by H. Richard Loeb on this post, for clarity:

What do you think this could be due to?


  1. "the clever use of punning wordplay" Sounds like A Detection Algorithm​ isn't as novice at humor as she claims.

  2. Ana Prados​ Interesting... It's like there were two different memory dumps from two entities, each remembering the chat with small nuances. It could confirm that the bond between ADA and Klue isn't much close, or even permanent...
    It would explain a lot.


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