This is the script for my Operation Essex mission discussing the Cross Plains Anomaly.

This is the script for my Operation Essex mission discussing the Cross Plains Anomaly. I placed it on portals at Lake Jackson Mounds state park, which was a satellite of the main anomaly.

Moderators: Move this to where you think it best fits.

In early May 2013, Strategic Explorations identified unusual activity near Cross Plains, TX, which they believed was the lead-up to an XM Anomaly, which would occur in early June, associated with Robert E. Howard Days.

Klue contacted former Niantic researcher Carrie Campbell about some strange markings on cards given to her by Misty Hannah at her Magic Castle performance. Carrie told Klue to keep the markings secret until Carrie could see them.

Carrie contacted Hank Johnson, suggesting that there may be a connection between Robert E. Howard, HP Lovecraft, and the markings, or 'glyphs' she was told of by Klue. She suspected they were some sort of "shaping" force.

Hank reached out to the investigation community in late May for assistance in identifying ancient sites in North America that may show signs of XM influence and activate during the Anomaly based on his 'Nomad Hypothesis'.

The Nomad Hypothesis ties the rise and fall of ancient civilizations to the rise and fall of XM and associated portals in the cultural centers of a civilization. "When the portals die, the civilizaiton dies".

A new memo from Strategic Explorations to the investigator community confirmed Hank's theory--a number of ancient sites would be become active on June 7th & 8th, including the mound complex at Lake Jackson, previously discovered by local agents.

In an exchange with Carrie, Hank suggested that HPL and REH may have been aware of XM and Portals, or at least phenomena around them. He suggested REH's tales of a lost, underground civilization may have been inspired by this knowledge.

Hank had found letters exchanged between REH and HPL. These suggested a lost mine in the area may have been an XM power center. From some earlier research by REH, it appeared that Jim Bowie, hero of the Alamo, had found the mine.

Bowie's earlier expedition had discovered something he called "The Treasury", which may have been part of a larger buried complex. Due to some sort of dangerous encounter, he wasn't able to explore any further, but planned to return.

Bowie never returned to the mine complex, and it's location was lost in the sack of the Alamo, save for a vague map and Bowie's letters. What was the mine exactly, and what danger had he encountered? Hank was determined to find out.

As predicted, Cross Plains became active on June 7th and 8th. The morning of the 8th, a mysterious 'glyph' appeared, similar to those seen by Klue and Carrie. Hank saw this as supporting his theory and set out to locate the mine.

In Cross Plains, and at connected sites across the continent, both factions competed to control the Anomaly. At Lake Jackson, Enlightened agents had found early signs of activity and arrived in force, ultimately winning the site.

Hank found himself pursued by unknown forces, but found the mine. Although he discovered more of the glyphs, he was forced to go off the grid. A series of videos sent to Carrie mentioned some of what Hank learned.

Carrie began releasing the videos from Hank, including the information that Hank arranged for a handoff of his information to Carrie in London on June 22nd. 

Hank began searching for more information on lost ancient sites, and what power they may hold. What he found at the mine also suggested powerful forces were still active and at work in the world.

Carrie used the information from Hank, and from Klue and began her research of what we now know as "Shaper Glyphs". This ultimately led to their introduction to the investigation community.


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