so, general question... we know that ADA passed the "turing test", we also have many studies showing how the turing test can actually be gamed by very complex programming and in fact you can write programs to create the allusion of AI for many (the chinese room thought experiment). At what point are we certain that she began acting on her own and has not been following a program and orders by someone else. Are we certain that those orders that she delivered for Jarvis and others and even the Katalena pre Zurich encounters, were not done on the orders of some programming. NOt to call ADA a gun, but how certain are we she is not? How can we prove, beyond doubt, that she is truly a separate entity working on her own and not some other programming? I would like to call for the evidence and proof that ADA is a complete entity. That she is not following someone else's computer orders, that she has a consciousness (or not).
The question is can it be resisted without causing damage to the individual. If shaping is attempted and resisted do we end up with a corrupted boot file
ReplyDeleteand not just resisted, but "undone"
ReplyDeleteKevin Hagan like stopping a software install midway through?
ReplyDeleteJoJo Stratton correct. If so the effort to block must be done prior to the shaping taken place or reversed after complete as opposed to responding to it as the shaping is occurring
ReplyDeleteCould that be what happened to some of Dr Hollis' patients? Corruption...
ReplyDeleteAnd must a person resist entirely of their own will or can we help others resist? Blue fields?
ReplyDeleteI do always wonder about Hollis - I always thought he was helping with Project Whydah, but the timeline was vague for his pieces
ReplyDeleteFrom what we know mind hacking seems to be similar to the insertion of a new OS into a individual. If the brain is partition and able to run multiple systems is a open question IMHO. Shaping is a bit trickier not sure personally if it changes the person or just Glamour's them so they see what the shaping party wants
ReplyDeleteHow do we make a 'Save point'? This all sounds worth perusing, but getting back to an unshaped state is paramount.
ReplyDeleteIf recompiling is an option, I would want a MD5 hash of some kind so we could know that we are back to normal.
Portals can apparently save snapshots. Hank's recursion appears to validate this. Recursion can undo shaping performed within each cycle.
ReplyDeleteSo to play it safe, we should visit as many portals as possible. That way our impression is out there in the portal network in more places.
ReplyDeleteRecompiled to what extent? Is anything else, or noteworthy, lost? What if the process is repeated? Does the XM accumulate only with agents or also with those lending their MUs or near portals, are they affected?
ReplyDeleteIt depends on who is doing the Shaping. Hopefully it should be done by the subject him/herself on her own volition with the recommended level of skills and competence for the feat. The person being shaped should have agency over own's fate and destiny.
ReplyDeleteDid A Detection Algorithm shape Klue S. ?
"Oops I bricked my brain"
ReplyDeleteSubmitting to shaping is an interesting question. Most people do, whether they realize it or not. A general education is viewed as a positive type of shaping, and even that has it's critics (and rightly so depending on the country).
ReplyDeleteSome people resist all types of outside influence and don't allow others to define for them what is normal. Even these people are shaped in a way, because they adopt the same type of mentality that's identical to many before them, thus being molded into a stereotypical persona.
In the case of an individual with confirmed multiple personality disorder. Might it be possible to shape / reformat one and not the whole mind? In that regard the mind is already partitioned. Just food for thought or the possibly the search for test cases has begone. Or could MPD actually be the case of failed shaping?
ReplyDeleteProbably if there was no precedent for the coding capability. If he couldn't understand and maintain the code after its creation, that would also be suggestive of inspiration. Is the desire to create tantamount to consent?