The latest breadcrumb from Coleridge Cottage:

The latest breadcrumb from Coleridge Cottage:

TLDR - Check the relationship between SHAPERS and the Romantic movement, the Romantic movement vs the Age of Enlightenment - and the spread of these ideals to other human societies, how it changed them, and the heroes/monsters these ideologies created. The roles of RESISTANCE and ENLIGHTENED had interchanged over history - the Resistance of today may become Enlightened of tomorrow. Also, XM, is it really beneficial to the entire human society? Or should it be restricted to those who are able to consume it and bring forth its benefits? And...what lies in the Antarctica? And what of William Blake? He's another Romantic literary figure that had not quite surfaced from the trail of breakcrumbs.

The latest breadcrumb follows the trail of notable personalities from the Romantic movement - Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The Romantic movemennt was said to be a counter-movement to the Age of Enlightenment (sounds like RES vs ENL eh?)

Coleridge wrote Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Kubla Khan. The poet was said to be a founding personality of the Romantic Movement, and was also afflicted by substance dependency (opium).

Shapers, the Romantic Movement, Unfettered Creativity

The Romantic movement rejected the Rationality that was characteristic of the Age of the Enlightenment. The Age of Enlightenment, was a resistance to the establishment of the day dominated by the Catholic Church and the entrenched feudal aristocracy. The Romantic movement brought forth the Gothic novels, which created the archetypical monsters - reanimated monsters and undead creatures. The rejection of Reason, and the reach back to primordial instincts and fears, unleashed the monsters that we suppressed? The Shapers appear to have correlation with the the Romantic movement - since its about releasing the human's creative capacity, but with unfettered imagination did it bring back monsters such as the N'zeer? (though it can be argued that the Shapers appear to have a hand in the Age of Enlightenment too)

XM, and substances that inspire Higher state of Consciousness

XM is supposed to augment the human potential, the capacity of expanded mental faculties and sensory experience. Other than XM, there were chemical substances that fulfilled that role, and most of the time they are controlled hallucinogenic drugs such as the opiate class. Since early antiquity societies had Shamans, Oracles and High Priests ingested such substances and narrated/foretold experiences of the past and future. Artists had created great work of painting, sculptures, literature and music under that influence. However, the right to consume such substances is restricted to those who could handle the side-effects. That's probably why such substances are restricted in its use - because the wider society may not be able to handle the externalities. There were examples in history in which opiates tore apart societies and weakened nations (e.g. the later era of Qing China). In the case of XM, perhaps not all of human race can handle the exposure - and should only be restricted to Sensitives? Maybe Devra has a point, but perhaps not to the extreme of wanting to vaccinate the entire human race....

Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Lovecraft

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner might have inspired Lovecraftian tales - given the Antarctica motif, where the Mountains of Madness were located. What was it about this cold, desolate place that inspired the imaginations of Coleridge and Lovecraft? It was the darkness that inspired the Romantics to write about monsters. Perhaps, by subjecting these Sensitives to the cold and darkness, they will unlock the portal from which the N'zeer can re-enter our present dimension?

Kublai Khan, the East India Company, and Conquering Civilizations

The poem Kublai Khan was only published after Lord Byron (Diodati Epiphany group) rediscovered it.

Kublai Khan wanted to send his forces to capture the "first island chains" from Japan all the way to Java. He failed in all attempts to project his power from mainland Asia.  Was Kublai trying to expand the Mongol's reach to the Southern Pacific from where he can launch an expedition to the Antarctica? Its a far conjecture. 

East India Company. After the Mongols, it was the European civilization that managed to put most of Earth continents under its influence. During the Romantic period (Georgian/Victorian era), the British East India Company were the maritime Mongols that conquered and colonised most of Earth's continents. Both the Mongols and the British were conquerors and colonisers that had changed the culture and civilization of native cultures in spaces where it occupied. The European colonizers and conquerers propagated the seeds from the  Age of Enlightenment to other civilizations. Of interest, is the role of secret societies such as the Freemasons in this propagation of Enlightened values.

The East India Company had a significant role in propagating the consumption of opium. And that did have a significant impact on the rise and fall of nations in Asia.

The contemporary corporations - Visur, IQTech and Hulong, are they sailing in the wake of the East India Company, and XM is the new strategic currency of power?

Edgar Allan Wright flint dille


  1. Interesting... Resistance and Enlightened switching? Did you read that in the breadcrumbs? I'd like to explore that concept further.

  2. Old guard does old guard things, new kids show up and want to do things differently, there is a struggle / revolution, and now the new kids are in charge. Skip ahead in time and now the new kids have become the old guard and here we go around again.

  3. David Timothy Rory Durkin I had sometime to think about the Ingress meta-narrative. Will share it sometime soon.


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