Since Valerie Wallace doesn't have a computer available and from the mobile the captures doesn't seem look good, I...

Since Valerie Wallace doesn't have a computer available and from the mobile the captures doesn't seem look good, I will repost them for her.

Original post


  1. Ada learns to make jokes through wordplay, but why does Ada want Loeb?

  2. Does anyone know of this agent "sagard" that created this mission?

  3. Valerie Wallace thanks! He hasn't been playing much lately, I see... I would have guessed him to be much farther along than only L7 tho...

  4. It sounds like we are missing a part of the conversation, in between the last 2 screen shots...

  5. Yik Sheng Lee this wasn't at Wallace monument, it was actually a mission in Johnstone, Scotland, which is near where William Wallace was born. It's actually about 40 miles away from the Wallace monument.

  6. Yik Sheng Lee Aye, I'll get someone in that area to go.


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