To my fellow Agents and #Truthseekers
To my fellow Agents and #Truthseekers
For your consideration/discussion/theories
So I've been mulling over a thought lately as I sit quietly under and xm filled blue glow. What if everything we know about the ordered data and the portals are wrong. For the last year I've heard "Shapers" have been the reason and influence for peoples inspirations. But what if its not the case...what if its the portals themselves that are responsible. We have a language that's been dubbed "Shaper Glyphs" but what if that's the portals way of communication that we are capable of understanding. I have been reviewing several glyph strings while hacking lately and amongst them was "Discover shapers lie" "seek xm truth" and "Resistance/Enlightened defend portal" what if the shapers arnt exactly what we believe them to be... so to speak..what if they infact are the supposed "dragons" to come? I feel the portals cry out with +Devra Bogdanovich's virus slowly eating away at them. I feel their anguish as the xm around and coursing through them is ripped apart by some mad women's over zealous crusade to "protect" humanity. I fear for mankind shoud the light of the portals be extinguished.
Pardon my rambling at times.
For your consideration/discussion/theories
So I've been mulling over a thought lately as I sit quietly under and xm filled blue glow. What if everything we know about the ordered data and the portals are wrong. For the last year I've heard "Shapers" have been the reason and influence for peoples inspirations. But what if its not the case...what if its the portals themselves that are responsible. We have a language that's been dubbed "Shaper Glyphs" but what if that's the portals way of communication that we are capable of understanding. I have been reviewing several glyph strings while hacking lately and amongst them was "Discover shapers lie" "seek xm truth" and "Resistance/Enlightened defend portal" what if the shapers arnt exactly what we believe them to be... so to speak..what if they infact are the supposed "dragons" to come? I feel the portals cry out with +Devra Bogdanovich's virus slowly eating away at them. I feel their anguish as the xm around and coursing through them is ripped apart by some mad women's over zealous crusade to "protect" humanity. I fear for mankind shoud the light of the portals be extinguished.
Pardon my rambling at times.
What are the portals? Someone needs to do that write-up. A summary of all of the official canon that we have which explains what we know about what the portals actually are. I would love to read it again.
ReplyDeleteI like the hypothesis that the portals themselves are the source of inspiration, not some mythical beings that "live on the other side." But it doesn't follow that of the portals are the source, the Shapers might be the proverbial dragons. Keep in mind that in this context, the only thing "Shaper" has ever meant is "the currently unknown source of inspiration and communication in the XM." If the portals are the source, then "Shapers" is just another word for the portals themselves.
ReplyDeleteThe portals being sentient on their own would mesh well with the "portal network" that keeps being mentioned. In short, according to this network theory, all the portals are connected to each other. How else could agents aquire the xm constructs from new portals that have never been resonated or linked.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the Shapers are the copies of ourselves, entangled in the portal network?
ReplyDeleteIan Friedrich perhaps a collective of every person who's every come in contact with a portal. Interesting.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts exactly, Alan Coddens. To include the original artist, whose entangled copy is likely the dominant persona of each portal's collective.