New #Glyphs Begin to Emerge

New  #Glyphs  Begin to Emerge

Within the latest Ingress Report ( never before seen glyphs seem to be represented on the glimpse of Helios Artifacts that were displayed.

These glyphs are still largely unconfirmed, as their proper orientation is still in question.  Likewise, the possible interpretations of these glyphs are unknown.

One of the glyphs, the "spiral" shaped glyphs looks eerily similar to one of the glyphs that was present on the body of former +Niantic Project researcher, Carrie Campbell, shortly before her death.  See the 5th item down in this early research report:

Stay tuned as more glyphs are discovered and more information about them is revealed.  I will update the reference site as soon as more facts are confirmed.


  1. Interesting. Part of this glyph is the "Search" glyph.

  2. Thanks Daniel Beaudoin for all of your glyph work

  3. The orientation of the spiral is certainly interesting, I wonder if we can use this as a confirmed reference point that will allow us to decode sound glyphs.

  4. SEARCH ALL, maybe. With the obvious difference to make this one stroke (NE2-SE1 instead of NE2-SE2), the spiral glyph is SEARCH+ALL.

  5. Ben Ostrowsky SEARCH ALL was my first thought as well; maybe something along the lines of "global search," or possibly "all-consuming search?"

  6. While I agree with the idea of a connection to the SEARCH glyph, there may be other options to consider as well.  What if we take a step back from the glyphs we already know?  The basic pattern here is a spiral.

    I went to wikipedia to see if spirals may have any special meaning with a connection to and build off of "searching" and found this.

    "While scholars are still debating the subject, there is a growing acceptance that the simple spiral, when found in Chinese art, is an early symbol for the sun. Roof tiles dating back to the Tang Dynasty with this symbol have been found west of the ancient city of Chang'an (modern-day Xian)." -- (emphasis mine)

    Interesting that this shows up in art connected to the #Helios  artifacts.

  7. ...and another possible vector to solving this puzzle - Dialectic.  Again, emphasis is mine.

    "The spiral is also a symbol of the process of dialectic." --

    "The dialectical method is discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject, who wish to establish the truth of the matter guided by reasoned arguments. [....] The purpose of the dialectic method of reasoning is resolution of disagreement through rational discussion, and, ultimately, the search for truth." --

  8. Bill Robitske the dialectic interpretation definitely has a connection. In this context, might it refer to the search for the truth of XM, the Shapers, and everything, by reasoned discussion between factions? I would go so far as to rhetorically all, it this the glyph for Essex?

  9. Ian Friedrich Agreed. Reading through some of the referenced work, especially the creative nature of trying to bring together "offense" and "preservation", really seemed to him home.

  10. My inclination is that this will have something to do with another term for Golden Ratio.  Something like divine section, divine proportion or another.

    My last inclination is along the same lines but that it is DNA.   DNA molecules follow the golden ratio sequence, measuring 34 angstroms long and 21 angstroms wide for each full cycle of the double helix

  11. Stein Lightman My apologies for not tagging you in this sooner.


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