Good afternoon, Investigators of Operation Essex.

Good afternoon, Investigators of Operation Essex. My name is Mustafa Said and welcome back to Today in Niantic History. 

Today is August 10th, 2014. One year ago today a video surfaced on the Niantic Project Investigator Board. It was a statement from Klue S., who had become Enlightened after the #SaveKlue   Anomaly in Portland, Oregon in late July 2013. 

I leave to you all the transcript of her words. 
Discuss and share your thoughts down below.
Keep on searching for the truth, Investigators.

Klue's transcript: 

Why must small minds condemn what they do not understand?  The NIA and the Resistance are beating the war drum against an enemy that does not exist.  XM is not our enemy.  Inspiration and evolution are not an alien invasion. 

The Enlightenment is the path to the future.  There is no other way out.  We as a society have proven that we cannot do it alone.  We need help.  We need new and better ideas, new technology, new answers to age-old problems.  We cannot merely stand-by as giant corporations despoil the planet and compromise our future, operating without accountability, pulling the strings of our government like a puppeteer.  They lead us into war and use their money to direct secretive organizations like the NIA against us.  Meanwhile, the climate change brought on by reckless exploitation of our resources melts the polar ice caps, acidifies our oceans, and spawns storms that destroy our cities, crops, and livelihoods.  War still rages around the world while children go to bed hungry. 

We can do better than that.

It saddens me to see people who should know better brainwashed by NIA propaganda.  Falsified documents vilify Roland Jarvis, an inspired artist and philosopher murdered at the hands of the NIA.  Do not believe what you read, hear or see about Jarvis or the so called “Shapers.” 

The word “Shaper” is a word chosen by propagandists to evoke fear.  They, whatever you choose to call them, are not alien or evil or aggressive.  They are inspiration and hope.  What is XM really?  Where does it come from?  I do not know.  But I do know that it is a way forward, not backward. 

Only by sharing that inspiration with our leaders can we take back the political and economic power that have been wrested away from us.  Join me.  Create the future that we want and deserve, that the world needs. 

Take the first step now.

Align our governments and power centers with our values.  Open the line of communication to them with our newfound voice, with XM and with fields that will protect them from the scheming war-mongers of the NIA.  Stand up and be counted.  We are the ones who will write our own history.


  1. OK, after seeing this video. I'm the only one that see many resemblance with Klada last post?
    I would have love to see her giving that message on a video too to compare then better, but main difference (on the message itself)is that in there Klada think that she had the solution.
    I don't know, XM has brought back to live people before, so could you reconstruct someone spirit if you have her memories, her body and all the XM you want? If the initial lie is becoming true, could this explain why ADA appears more and more enlightened every day

  2. It seems as though Klue is still operating within her own scope of belief. She wanted to further mankind, seek out new tech, and get help. Which, as I've learned, seems to be what ada wants for humanity. I can't help but wonder why though. Does ADA have an ulterior motive for speeding up human evolution? Does this new threat of the "dragon" worry her that much and has she known about it all along? Each time some new issue comes to light, ADA and Jarvis appear to know all about it. As if they've known all along and are neglecting to inform us.


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