My thoughts and research

My thoughts and research

Originally shared by Brent Werlein

  Hello gang.  Since the mention of Dragons in recent posts by Roland Jarvis  and others, I started to do some deeper research into my beloved Dragons (Dragon fanboy right here).  Well any way I started off by going to the American History Museum and reading up on what they had on Dragons.  (

  While reading something stood out and grabbed my interest. * Klagenfurt, Austria. *   While not the recent location of Krakow, Poland (Location of the bones of the Dragon Smok Waweleski)  that Roland Jarvis   recently visited, Klagenfurt has its own Dragon Story.   Legend has it the town was destroyed by a Water Dragon repeatedly.  After the Dragon was slain the town of Klagenfurt was founded. In 1335 the cranium of the dragon was found.  In 1582, an artist borrowed the skull to use as a model in shaping a Sculpture of the Dragon that still stands today.  The skull was once on display in the town hall, but I cannot locate where its current resting place is.

  I continued to research and found reference to Alexander the Great.
 _In 330 BC, after Alexander the Great invaded India, he brought back reports of seeing a great hissing dragon living in a cave, which people were worshiping as a god. One of Alexander the Great's lieutenants (Onesicritus) stated that the Indian king Abisarus kept serpents that were 120 and 210 feet long. Subsequent Greek rulers are said to have brought dragons back alive from Ethiopia._(

  I remember from past discussions that there was suspicion that Hank was Alexander the Great and other things, but then a post from Stein Lightman back in February stood out.  _It is my suspicion that Alexander the Great crossed into India in search of either an artifact or a portal in Bangalore.  Of course, rebellion of his troops stopped him from finding it.  It will be interesting to see what emerges from this Anomaly._ (

  Could this artifact have still been alive?  Could it have been the Dragon he was in search of, but his troops got to scared so he had to abandon his conquest?

It will be interesting to see what else may surface in the coming days and if we should keep an eye on Klagenfurt, Austria.

Ingress Verum Inveniri Niantic Project NIA Ops H. Richard Loeb Hank Johnson Sean VImimeis Operation Essex  #operationessex   #Ingress


  1. I am also a fan of Dragons.   Chinese Dragons were viewed as beneficial.   Many European Cultures revered the Dragon as much as lions, tigers, and boars.    The new religion that came on the heels of the Roman conquest reviled Dragons primarily because they represented the old ways and gods, the hope was to remove all of those from the reverence of the people.    After that the nature of Dragons seemed to change (would you fight back if someone was trying to eradicate you?)
    As far as general monsters. they have often been targets.   Gilgamesh killed a mighty monster in a neighboring region to prove his skill as a warrior and to increase his fame. If the translation I read was correct, that region began to decline because the protecting monster had been dispatched.
    Beowulf's last kill was a Dragon.   This Dragon had lain dormant protecting the treasure of a long dead civilization.  It did not harass the surrounding county side until a thief stole some of the treasure.   The solution selected was to dispatch the dragon so that the treasure would be claimed for current use.
    Perhaps I harp on this because there have been far too many cases where cries of evil have been used as an excuse to take that which belongs to others.

  2. posting this here and a few places not sure if it's been mentioned - but Dragons also link a little to Love craft - this is a quote from "The Call of Cthulhu"

    "Above these apparent hieroglyphics was a figure of evidently pictorial intent, though its impressionistic execution forbade a very clear idea of its nature. It seemed to be a sort of monster, or symbol representing a monster, of a form which only a diseased fancy could conceive. If I say that my somewhat extravagant imagination yielded simultaneous pictures of an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature, I shall not be unfaithful to the spirit of the thing. A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque and scaly body with rudimentary wings; but it was the general outline of the whole which made it most shockingly frightful. Behind the figure was a vague suggestion of a Cyclopean architectural background."

  3. So when do they start bringing in the occultism of the twenties?  Yes, I see they are tagging the images you two have mentioned.


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