More pages.
More pages.
Originally shared by Daniel Richter (TheHiveMind)
These are photographs of the Krakow manuscript pages, recovered by Karin Suckow, Iwona Kozaczynska, and Andrea von Schluderpacheru on Alexander Becker 's team of the Resistance Berlin. Thanks to their valiant effort and that of many other agents involved, we may now be a bit more prepared for what is to come.
Let the speculation and interpretation commence.
Comparing the text to the original short story implies 5 missing pages that have not been recovered yet.
A transcription of the annotations is under construction here:
Roland Jarvis Klue S. Hank Johnson Devra Bogdanovich Anne Beuttenmüller Matilde Tusberti Brandon Badger Oliver Lynton-Wolfe Joe Philley Brian Rose Verum Inveniri Niantic Project Ingress Verum Inveniri Operation Essex #interitus #ingress #herebedragons #FUHA

Originally shared by Daniel Richter (TheHiveMind)
These are photographs of the Krakow manuscript pages, recovered by Karin Suckow, Iwona Kozaczynska, and Andrea von Schluderpacheru on Alexander Becker 's team of the Resistance Berlin. Thanks to their valiant effort and that of many other agents involved, we may now be a bit more prepared for what is to come.
Let the speculation and interpretation commence.
Comparing the text to the original short story implies 5 missing pages that have not been recovered yet.
A transcription of the annotations is under construction here:
Roland Jarvis Klue S. Hank Johnson Devra Bogdanovich Anne Beuttenmüller Matilde Tusberti Brandon Badger Oliver Lynton-Wolfe Joe Philley Brian Rose Verum Inveniri Niantic Project Ingress Verum Inveniri Operation Essex #interitus #ingress #herebedragons #FUHA

Thanks for posting these. Time to get down to some serious research