Anyone else get the glyph message : DANGER CHANGE PAST ?

Anyone else get the glyph message : DANGER CHANGE PAST ?

Is the past being changed? Has it already been changed?


  1. Robert E. Howard was turned ENL at the original Cross Plains anomaly.

  2. Does that mean HPL was turned RES?

  3. I received that glyph sequence three times today.

  4. I received it a number of times around the 7th.  Could it be referring to Hubert Farlowe's recent time-hyperthreading?

  5. I dont think it necessarily had changed HPL.  He would either remain neutral or be persuaded toward ENL by his friendship with REH.  It was specifically because the temporal anomaly happened right where REH lived, I believe.

  6. The future's past is being change with every action, with every quantum event. Ultimately we cannot guage the effects of individual actions on a hypothetical future, unless its a very specific event. we wont know until the future gets here ;)


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