The books are trying to tell us something.

The books are trying to tell us something.


  1. What I think it is saying.  __ are letters I cannot make out or are not present.  Letters in () are guesses.

    _____ous  ____s ____(l)s  ____ me  _____on(e)s Is Made To Undertake worlds most (Su___k___)(Ma___s Ta___ it) When One Commits to this Undertaking not only Put their Lives into the  _o(ok) _L __ ____ ___ and Wants (s)es to be (Heard) are those of ___ ___d you realize W_ M__ Never  ___________ Convin___  (Me) Turned over ___ ___ (in) ________ (or) itself ____ Latter point Circumnavigato___ all the wave(s)

  2. Does this tie into the book Sen in the nomad show behind Dr Schubert?

  3. Made it out:

    When one commits to this undertaking, he not only puts his life into the mercurial will of the sea, but his mind is turned over to the mercies and horrors of itself. It is this latter point that the circumnavigator fears. All the waves and wind in the seven seas contain not the power and horror of the dark corners of the human mind, the fear of life and the inherent lack thereof.

    Source link:

  4. Jennifer Wolff Thanks, I somehow missed that...

    Got to spend more time in museums apparently

  5. Presumably it's Tycho's work. His motivations have been... hazy. I wonder if Sean Landers is significant to this. Is something unusual going to occur near any of his exhibits?

  6. I feel relatively certain this is Victor Kureze.


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