What is Devra Bogdanovich working on and what is the role of November Lima

What is Devra Bogdanovich  working on and what is the role of November Lima 



  1. I think we will find out when it arrives in Flagstaff this weekend.

  2. The green is more likely an infrared camera. If you slow down when it happens to Susanna Moyer, more details in the background become visiable.

    Has anything ever come to light about a sound glyph? Sorry this question just popped into my head before hitting send, and may deserve it's own post.

  3. Brent Werlein definitely post separately about sound glyphs - there has been a lot of discussion and potential, but I am not sure what forms of conculsions were reached and it would be good to revisit that topic!

  4. Sam Gan never thought about it being related to control fields, hmmmmm

  5. James Thirteen there is definitely "overlap" at times, but also cases where they diverged, at least physically. It is harder to track as NL did not post as many location checks as Hubert did, and using the time might be a pathway, but with the way g+ records time and trying to coordinate that... plus... Hubert Farlowe has mentioned time issues before so....


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