With the recent reappearance of Tycho, I have been meditating on the Gravity of Narrative.
With the recent reappearance of Tycho, I have been meditating on the Gravity of Narrative. These thoughts are rough. Perhaps jumbled. But it is my intention and need to share them before they vanish from either my head or hard drive. I look forward to your comments.
I do not know if I have brought this up before. But this article you have written is very interesting in light of another article that I am trying to find a link to. I read it many years ago online. So it's validity is in question. But considering that you're questioning the nature of reality here I think that it goes. In the article it's stated that a number of scientists were measuring activity in the brain when people were thinking about individuals with which they were very familiar or close. Possibly as a control they included fictional characters as well as real people in these folks' lives. What they discovered is that a so-called "fictional" person lights up the same part of the brain as thinking about a loved one or friend who has either died or is for some reason no longer present in our lives.
ReplyDeleteI would have to agree with Yik Sheng Lee We tread between our perceptions and our understanding of what is around us. Some are able to step beyond the average individuals understanding without fear for lack of.. and believe that all things are possible. For some it is one perception.. their ability to see multiple perspectives of existence is just one thing.. not separate realities or perceptions but one cohesive reality where all exist together. I believe as sentient beings we transgress between our multiple perceptions of existence but are told to grow out of as kids. Some of us fail to listen and find the beauty in the grand scheme of things to wonderful to let it go. It stays with us our whole life and whispers to us even in waking moments... we see tomorrow like a shadow cast from the present based on the choices we make and the paths they will follow. At every junction of a belief or a decision is endless possibilities of where tomorrow takes us as humanity or just as an individual but continually influencing our environment.
ReplyDeletemuch to consider - chunking is sometimes easier. Looking at this quote, "Is that what it is, other reality begets fiction begets our reality begets fiction which bends other reality which begets a new reality for us?"
ReplyDeleteIs this where recursion comes to play? As well as the concepts of evolution. Instead of just organic evolution theories do we need to add this process as well?
This is Recursion, isn't it? Sensitives perceiving events that occur on a future timeline, but if the future can be perceived and imaged in the present, it can't possibly be the future since the future and the present co-exist simultaneously in the same mental space.
ReplyDeleteIf the future is already pre-determined and interlocked with the present in some form of recursive lattice, then where does free-will and human agency comes in?
Are Shapers persona who can see the connecting joints in this lattice-work of reality, and has the ability to alter them?
If so, the universe exist two categories of sentient beings - those that Shape and those who are subjected to Shaping?
This article hits on many #Ingress themes. The creativity of XM... what really is it? Fiction vs. Reality tested against the term #Recursion. Fascinating read.
ReplyDeleteanother chunk - "But quickly, we smile and we dismiss it, because to accept such a reality would be to violate our network of shared reality (that which connects us to the world) and leave us lost and confused in an incomprehensible universe."
ReplyDeleteLost and confused - is this what happened to Dr. Wright and to Hank and to.......
I am a research nut - if we accept what is postulated in Dr. Wright's treatise, how could we "prove" it? What Data could be collected to show this? What data would exist that would nullify this?
ReplyDeleteEdgar Allan Wright Thank you for posring this but I'm a little confused. I noticed you, Misty and Devra all refer to him as Andy Onimous instead of Andy Nominus is this intentional?
ReplyDeleteI doubt it. I think they're all botching his spelling. Do not trust Wright for spelling.
ReplyDeleteMichelle E I'd love to read that article, Michelle. The line between fact and fiction is very close. There is one, but its close. And bear in mind, our beliefs about people are really a construct we have that's Our Perception of Human nature +/- That Person = Uniqueness.
ReplyDeleteI think its good for sharing, Nicholas. Just give the casual readers a context as to who Wright is. Maybe some links to the Wiki and Tycho's page so that they know what he's talking about.
ReplyDeleteJose Ramirez That's a good thing to say when Sharing.
ReplyDeletewanted to put this link here as it may contain comments Edgar Allan Wright made about the Ingress Report having a consciousness of its own - https://plus.google.com/+NianticProject/posts/bXhccr7DNan thanks Jose Ramirez for the reminder
ReplyDeleteTheory of reality or field - that narrative distorts : ) so we have a Narrative force just like a gravitational force : )
ReplyDeleteBut to the other dimension we would be the projection
ReplyDeletethanks for the article link - I was not familiar with this