So, I've been thinking about #DICE2014 and how involved ADA is in it.

So, I've been thinking about #DICE2014 and how involved ADA is in it. Considering the name of the event and the location being Vegas, it might be thought there would be some randomness in play, like rolling the dice.

Then I saw this post by Ingress itself:

Basically, the code in there is written in Ada (yes, its a programming language too), and calculates the Nth Fibonacci number, which isn't random at all.

I might be just wildly speculating (ok, I kind of am completely), but I think using the Fibonacci sequence might just help us figure out what ADA is doing.

Comments? Anything I missed?


  1. I wonder if it stands for something. also isn't there an atomic bomb related Museum around there?

  2. also that number does go into nature and fractals, and how some organisms build their structures

  3. also - just throwing this out there 13 figures into fibonacci a bit and for kicks here is a relation between music and the magic number


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