If Hulong Transglobal agrees to put aside their differences with Visur Technology and form a Co-Op we can forsee...

If Hulong Transglobal agrees to put aside their differences with Visur Technology and form a Co-Op we can forsee much more new XM Tech coming out from both their Companies released in the following months as a result of shared resources and production. The possibilities are endless in the design of new XM constructs so more resources and creative minds working together means boundless opportunities.

What interests me most is Ilya's motives behind demarcating "Zones of Influence" and how it will be determined whether or not a zone is under the influence of [Corporation name here]. My guess is that Corporate Headhunters will be contacting Resistance and Enlightened Agent's or Agents could apply (this could have already begun with #EliteV ) and have them retain their Faction membership but also be employed to an XM Company, thus making any portals owned and fields created by them contribute to their Corporations influence in the current zone they are operating within. Or maybe it just depends on what Faction the Corporation is currently aligned with and that determines which Factions Agents are currently contributing to a Corps. influence (which I'm sure doesn't sit comfortably with some Anti-Capitalist Agent's).

Agent's will have to be equipped with a new Intel map that clearly marks these 'zones of influence' so this hints at a patch to add Corporate Scoring info into the scanner as well as an updated Ingress Intel map.

But the biggest question to me is, what is IQTech Research going to do while Hulong Transglobal and Visur Technology claim market share right in front of them, especially on US soil? It's clear that Hulong will take advantage of its alignment with the Enlightened, and I'm sure Visur has already begun to align themselves with the Resistance if they haven't already. Which leave's the question, who will IQTech align with in order to compete with the other Corporations?

Originally shared by Niantic Project

Have the corporations begun to carve a new map onto the face of the world?

In an attempt to bypass electronic eyes, Ilya Pevtsov wrote this letter to Hulong Transglobal Chairwoman, Catherine Fan, by hand and had it delivered by a messenger. Fortunately there are Truthseekers everywhere, and one of them obtained the document and shared it with me.

It seems that Visur Technology and Hulong Transglobal have recognized that alone they cannot hope to outmatch the resources behind IQTech Research, which has the backing of the US Government. The letter proposes that the Corporations begin to localize their regions of influence to ensure that the two underdogs can grow in strength mutually as they plan their long term rise to dominance.

What might this mean for the balance between the Corporations? How might IQTech respond to the threat of a united Visur and Hulong, or is IQTech's only concern XM in American territory? And in addition, who might the messenger have been?

A passcode to those who enrich our conversation with meaningful insights, speculation and references.


I've attempted to transcribe the handwritten letter as best I can below:


It is interesting that well into the 21st Century I find myself having to write to you in this primitive form, but given the porousness of electronic and verbal communications and the lack of time sensitivity of this document, I felt it was best to have this hand-delivered to you.  I think you will agree that the identity of the messenger is, in and of itself, a gesture of good faith on my part.

As you have discovered with Lynton-Wolfe and I have learned with Dr. Bogdanovich, ideology and philosophy are stronger with some than the call of prosperity and order.  That is to say that as long as we allow charismatic leaders to pull sway in the world, commerce will be a pawn in a much larger power struggle. While I do not want to dominate the struggle, I believe the corporations, if united in purpose, even if not united under one corporate identity, could serve as the board in this interdimensional chess game. If you take my analogy.

I think we must consider the possibility that while we have many conflicting interests, we also have horizontal interests in common.  Calvin and IQTech are backed by the US Government, and alone neither of our corporations will stand a chance against that force in the long run. It is my opinion that Visur and Hulong could strike our own Treaty of Tordesillas clearly demarcating zones of influence. They do not have to be geographically contiguous, but they should represent equal amounts of XM harvesting potential.

I find that this primitive form of communication is cramping my hand, but consider this a first modest proposal with much to be discussed in times to come.

Ilya Pevtsov


  1. Wow Mark Sison you just blew my mind.  That would be incredible.
    It would be an entirely separate battle unfolding almost  mutually exclusive to the faction war, yet staged on the very same battlefield.

  2. I dont think the scanner would need a patch. Remember when NIA Ops had a flood of errors regarding bright pink and purple colors, radial lines crossing scanner screens, and rainbows flooding scanner view? Convenient. Just like the updates and glitches prior to Jarvis Shard-capable scanners. I'm guessing the zone assets are already in place, and have yet to be unlocked.

  3. This could also be a precursor to what has been theorized about the companies specializing in certain items. I'm sure Hulong will be looking for more Dark XM.  and is Devra still at Visur?  If so, they could be leaning more toward portal neutralization


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