I was playing around with a 10 shekel coin and suddenly noticed some very familiar letters in the ancient Hebrew...

I was playing around with a 10 shekel coin and suddenly noticed some very familiar letters in the ancient Hebrew script.

Did we notice these similarities before?


  1. I don't have a glyphtionary nearby, but the second, fourth, and sixth letters from the left look to me like known shaper glyphs

  2. Yeah, the fourth definitely looks like the Magnus glyph known as "Repeat/Again."  The sixth looks like the "We/Us" glyph but turned 180 degrees.  Perhaps "Them."

  3. I knew I should have been looking through the millions of symbol books I have on my computer... (Unfortunately you can't really text-search glyphs.)

  4. Cherie Brush Google goggles or wolfram alpha pro may help a little?

  5. Paul Pawlowski, for online searches, yes, but I have somewhere around 700 PDFs on my computer, lots of out-of-print stuff, most of which aren't OCRed. Especially if I can't narrow something down to a general area, it's really hard to find something specific I'm looking for. (I do have some excellent sources on Alchemy symbols if that ever comes up... And all kinds of ritual symbols. Nice wide-ranging collection that came from running a Call of Cthulhu game. Which... is also why I tend to keep linking things to Lovecraft. LOL)


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