The character madness that roland Jarvis went through as a character could become a delema that klada is going to...

The character madness that roland Jarvis went through as a character could become a delema that klada is going to experiance. A struggle for ones original self. A desire for psycholocical homeostasis.


  1. There is clear evidence that KlADA is... not right... from watching her videos. It's like ADA is digging around trying to find the right button to hit to get her to talk instead of crying, chortling or babbling.

  2. Evolution and symbiosis is difficult even at the millennial scale - even moreso when the #ingress of the shapers makes it necessary for that process to be accelerated.

  3. evolution? mechanical "evolution" for humans? i sense hypocrisy, here.

  4. That is the point Porelain. It is the same trope, just a different side has to struggle with thi kind of delima, if they choose to play based on story motives.

  5. If you don't know what a "trope" is, it is worth knowing literary tools to see the ethical grey areas and other situations being written for the characters.

  6. It only makes sense. The last arc was about Jarvis and his nature. This one will surely ask the same questions about ADA. 

    It is a different angle from which to explore the mystery of XM.

  7. I've been looking into Ada, just in the world, and how its been used. I've found some odd documents. That as a language it's been used for AI expert systems going back at least into the early 80's. even found a report from a researcher as Carnegie Melon for the DOD stating that AI was possible using Ada, here is a link 
    then I found this other pdf about an Ada exibit in 02

    I know there would be much use of the term Ada due to the connection of the name to base computing concepts, but the connection to AI at a deep fundamental system level is intriguing


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