So, there's definitely a voice in this track.

So, there's definitely a voice in this track.  If you play the track backwards, you can hear two people.  I think this is what they say.
Person 1: My last one....Thanks for letting us
Person 2: You're welcome


  1. Does anyone know anyone who can figure out this audio stuff.  I have the time, and want to do it, I just don't know where to start or how to do it.

  2. Where is the info going to be shared?

  3. It'll be shared publicly, once it's figured out.  I started in here, so we could do an internal investigation, then release it. I made a public post asking for help today, but no one replied.

  4. I was looking at it myself. But I want a good way to share findings

  5. If you post findings I'm sure Essex folks will reshare it like crazy. We like to do that with people's findings

  6. Drew Dondero a basic way to play with the audio would be to import into Final cut (Mac guy) and you can manipulate the audio in many different ways. There are probably easier ways. But I am AV, not just audio. Ymmv

  7. I was using Audacity.  I just don't know how to do things like cancel out static and stuff, which I would need for the "epiphany" track, and I don't know where to begin with the "translation" one

  8. Static can be removed at times by clipping the frequencies (at times) depends on which freq it is

  9. Drew Dondero audacity I believe has a noise removal feature. Make a copy of the track and then find effects. Find a representative sample of static, and the program can remove static that fits the profile. I'm not a professional, but ive done volunteer work at my local radio station.


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