Kira Kroger suggested this might be a question best posed here...

Kira Kroger suggested this might be a question best posed here...


OK: This is directed at those who have committed themselves to a factual (and largely afactional) investigation of the NIA, XM, scanner technology, and the implications thereof:

In this recently-released video from +Ingress , +Susanna Moyer states:

"_The naturally-occurring XM came to be referred to as Englightened_ "

This is the first time an awareness of this has stuck me:  Is it correct?  Are the fields that the scanner tech translated as "green" actually a projection of the same "natural" XM that is found in un-modified XM sources, which are usually translated by the scanner as "grey"?

This has some stupendous implications if true, and I feel rather foolish only discovering this of late.  But I'd be happy to seem foolish if it means learning the truth.

Thoughts?  References?  Thanks in Advance!

Originally shared by Ingress

Susanna Moyer reviews the intel we have discovered so far in INGRESS REPORT | Ingress Year One, Part 1:

0:42 The National Intelligence Agency (NIA) investigates Exotic Matter (XM). The project is codenamed: The Niantic Project
1:06 NIA Persons of Interest
1:52 A Detection Algorithm (ADA) discovers XM is ordered data, a form of communication
2:54 XM concentrates at sites of cultural, intellectual, and religious significance
3:23 Oliver Lynton-Wolfe exposes Niantic Project researchers to XM by overloading a Power Cube. The event is referred to as Epiphany Night
3:55 Roland Jarvis and Devra Bogdanovich flee Niantic. Bogdanovich escapes; Jarvis is assassinated in Zurich
6:17 Lynton-Wolfe develops Scanner technology to observe and interact with Portals. Two Factions emerge: Resistance defend humanity from Shaper ingression; Enlightened work to evolve it
7:35 Corporations IQTech Research, Visur Technology, and Hulong Transglobal are established after the Niantic Project is shuttered

Ingress Year One: Part 2 continues next Thursday, but you can learn more by reviewing Felicia Hajra-Lee and Thomas Greanias' eBooks:

The Niantic Project: Ingress 
Google Play: 
Ingress: Level 8 
Google Play: 
The Alignment: Ingress 
Google Play: 



  1. When a portal is unclaimed, has no resonators, it is only shown as grey so as to differentiate it from normal enlightened portals.

    When the enlightened deploy resonators they increase the power and XM production rate of a portal, and by linking and fielding they increase the range and affect of the natural XM across an area.

    Now when the resistance place their resonators they change the alignment of the portal and also the XM produced. According to ADA they now neutralise the effects of the natural XM, but what effect is this truly having on people exposed to this new type of XM? What are resistance portals and fields really doing to us?

    I know that natural XM has been the cause of so many positive effects on human culture, what is the new resistance modified XM doing to us?

    I know I prefer to trust what has been shown to have been beneficial over something changed by an AI that we have no clear idea what their true agenda is. From recent videos ADA appears to want to control humanity and turn everyone into walking mindless copies of herself... What if resistance fields are her way of making us more susceptible to her influence and reprogramming?

  2. Enlightened xm has the same frequency as the neutral xm but the enlightened's use of it increases its influencing ability, while the resistances modifications reduces it.
    (In the tutorials you learn that the green fields, using natural, unmodified xm, are meant to expose more minds to the messages from the shapers that come from the xm, while the blue fields, using the modified, safe xm, block the messages and seals the minds under it from ingression. (MU=mind units=ammount of minds under the influence of a field.))

  3. Based on this new intel, it seems to me that grey faction practices should satisfy the desires of both Resistance and Enlightened. Not sure about the leaders, but the majority of the players anyway. The Enlightened want those who choose to listen to be able to hear the Shapers. The Resistance do not want this message forced on anyone, and want to thoroughly study the technology to make sure it is safe before using it on a large scale. So, if the way things have been for thousands of years can be deemed reasonably safe for now, might it not be prudent to let the majority of the portholes decay back to their natural state, and begin acting as a crowd-sourced scientific study of the effects of resonated portals and small control fields on the home portals of those who choose to participate?

  4. TL;DR: Question the Assumptions

    I'm not sure that Susanna correctly characterized the distinction. Many's the news reporter who've gotten the facts "wrong" or simply misspoke, their words then taken as unassailable gospel.

    As truthseekers, however, it's right to question, revisit and reexamine what we think we know from time to time. So what do we think we know about XM? Is it "naturally occurring"? Can it be manipulated or concentrated, or "aligned"? If so, to what purpose, what benefits, what risks?

    That XM occurs "naturally" is, of course, the principle tenet. XM also naturally collects or concentrates around what we've defined as "portals". But what does it do, and why? Where does it come from? In early studies, it was discovered that XM was "ordered data" as opposed to random phenomenon, and that it appeared to be linked to extraordinarily creative human thinking and activity, especially in the arts.

    Early observers postulated that if XM was related to greater human creativity and awareness (some would say Enlightenment), and that if Enlightenment were a desired objective, then XM must be beneficial, and therefore must be made available to all mankind. But how? Technologies must be developed to harness and distribute the XM. This thinking gave rise to the Enlightened faction.

    But what of negative effects of XM? It could be observed that many brilliant artists, sculptors, musicians, whose brilliance and contributions to mankind could be attributed to XM exposure, were also decidedly mad and destructive. Van Gogh, Beethoven, Mozart, to name a few of the most obvious. How can we conscionably attribute only the beneficial effects to XM, and ignore the detrimental effects? Are we so eager for enlightenment, that we would seek to attain it literally "at any cost"? More recently there have been attempts to "use" XM to affect world leadership and political powers. Is it possible that XM in it's more naturally occurring state has already affected past leaders and political powers? Caesar, Genghis Kahn, Stalin, Hitler perhaps? Were these world leaders as directly affected by XM exposure as were the likes of Jesus, Ghandi, Kennedy? These and other similar questions gave rise to the Resistance faction.

    Technologies were developed to concentrate, harness, and align XM to each faction's stated purpose, the Enlightened determined to bring XM to the masses, believing that XM is exclusively beneficial to all of mankind, and the Resistance, attempting to "protect" humanity from what it believes to be the negative and destructive effects of XM. Both factions utilizing the same technologies and methods to achieve its objectives.

    As a truthseeker, I cannot accept one position without the other. I cannot conscionably accept that XM is beneficial and necessary for the enlightenment of all mankind, without also accepting that there are detrimental and destructive effects of XM which must not be ignored, and the question I'm left with is whether the gain is worth the cost.

    Well, there's another question, too. Why are we, as a species, so bent on attributing our greatness, our achievements, our advancements, our enlightenment as it were, to an outside source? What puts us in such a hurry to exploit every opportunity to achieve Nirvana, ascend to Heaven, or whatever it is we decide to call our better selves? Why do we think there is always a better or faster path than the one we are actually on? And why do we think we are somehow not the masters of our own destinies?

    For if we are the masters of our own destinies, each individually and collectively as a species, then whose puppets are we?

  5. Bruce Kraemer my primary question for you, and for all Resistance philosophers out there, is how we can be so certain that it is even possible for humans to be intellectual, artistic, or in any way enlightened, without exposure to XM? Does it not seem likely to you, as it has been present in our environment since the beginning of civilization, that XM is a natural and necessary spiritual nutrient, just as vitamin A is a necessary physical nutrient, though too much vitamin A can be highly toxic? Why is there all this talk about how humans should be artistic and intellectual and creative on our own, without XM influence, but no talk about how we should be physically strong and healthy on our own without eating any vitamins or minerals?

  6. Ian Friedrich Who said we can? Perhaps we can't, but at what cost are we willing to keep this enlightment? Are we willing to give away our humanity, and perhaps even become a slave species, just to keep our art? Since we still don't know who's really trying to communicate with us through the portals, we must be prepared to the worst outcome, and the worst outcome is that those on the other side want to harm/inslave/destroy us. Possitive thinking is still encouraged though. If you want to survive, you must hope for the ebst, and be prepared for the worst. The resistance want humanity to survive, thus we must hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.

  7. I am very pleased by the thoughts but out by both Bruce Kraemer and Ian Friedrich. They have put into words what I was struggling to do myself.

    I am more inclined with the words of Ian Friedrich, but accept also the views and points raised by Bruce Kraemer. Now that both have aired their own views, and I have aired mine it would be great if others could share their thoughts on the notion of XM and what effect it has on us and our civilisations both past and present.

  8. Apologies I am not sure how to directly reply to your post but the one thing I would like to raise is why the resistance believe shapers want to enslave us? If, as it has been shown, that XM and also shapers have been around and helping us evolve for millenia, why would they suddenly want to enslave us now?

    Why change from beneficial to harmful?

  9. It seems highly illogical, upon discovering something that has been an environmental factor for all of human history, to remove it for fear of the supposed dangers it might pose, before thoroughly investigating what dangers its removal might pose. When it was first discovered that air contained oxygen which affected the brain, did people start looking for ways to remove all oxygen from the air because we didn't know for sure that oxygen was safe? When it was discovered that food contains vitamins, did we launch an initiative to remove all vitamins from food because we didn't know what they did in our bodies? So when we discover that XM is (and likely always has been) all around us, and it affect our brains, why would we declare it unnatural or dangerous and try to block its influence on us? נוה טל

  10. Daniel Byrom Agreed. It seems likely that if the Shapers' end goal was to enslave us, we would already be their slaves. They have been influencing us for thousands of years. If we are still free, either they do not want to enslave us, or they aren't able to. But just to counter-argue against myself, I suppose it's possible that's what the Enlightened faction exists for. If they have wanted to enslave us all along, but been unable to, possibly they have shaped us to the point of finally developing XM technology so that we would make it possible for them to enslave us. Yet another reason that using this technology on a large scale without testing it first seems reckless to me.

  11. Amused.. the true nature of XM has been classified. That is to say up to the moment research is not all inclusive as to the total extent of XM's influence. There have been many medicines that were thought to be beneficial only to later learn they were not. we would be foolish to accept that XM is the golden manna without further research. We are now learning XM may have adverse effect that not all humanity would consider "beneficial"  XM is constantly referred to as a "A rare and powerful form of tri-polar energy leaking into our universe from another dimension" I suspect that the "tri-polar" was only as far as our research had taken us at the time. I suspect as further research is conducted we will find XM can exhibit a polarity on multiple levels. Naturally occuring XM was given the name "enlightened" and it is only a name. Natural XM has inert properties that function as the shapers intended. Turning a portal green or "enlightened" is a manipulation of this XM to increase the signal just as much as turning a portal blue or "resistance" is a manipulation of the XM to decrease the signal. Where has chaotic or dark XM began to manifest from? Even John Hanke is unsure about the origins of dark matter "It’s unclear to me what the relationship is between the current factions and some of the new private companies that have become involved in developing XM tech such as Visur, Hulong, and IQTech.  I also don’t fully understand the effects of so called ‘Dark XM.’  We are awaiting the release of further documents from researchers to understand how such things might affect XM polarity (which underpins alignment)."

    I suspect XM can be manipulated into many forms or polarity and only time will show its true influence over humanity.

  12. Daniel Byrom  Well... Noone knows what the shapers truly wants, thus we must be prepared for the worst outcome. This way whatever the future will bring to us we'll be ready. Of course we want them to end up being a friendly race of peace loving aliens and we'll help eachother and live hapily ever after, but we must be prepared in case they'll tun out being a race of evil monsters with extremely complicated and advanced tecnology that are raised to become killers and their only objective in life is to controll all the universe. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst
    Ian Friedrich  I know they helped us in the past but their motives are still unknown, thus we can't tell if they want to help us or to lure us into their trap.
    I remember playing the game "Spore" years ago. Using a "Zealot" species I teraformed planets to be as life-friendly as possible (T3) and raised whatever species became the dominant species of these planets using monolythes. Then, once they finaly developed space travel technology and I finally could directly interact with them, I used the "Fanatical Frenzy" (basically a global mind-control ability) ability on their planet before they had any chance to expand and instantly took over an entire planet, with full grown cities and everything! It was that easy!
    Now replace "Spore" with "Reality", me with shapers, monolythes with XM portals, the random planets with earth and it's dominent species with humans and you've got yourself the shaper's (possible) plan. The fact that I was ablt to do this thing with the tools I was given in the game and all these similarities between my in-game domination process and said given tools and what we know from the researches about shapers shows how likely this theory is to be true. There's still the chance that they wanted to rais us because they needed an ally in the universe and I'm aware of it but I simply wanted to show you why the fact that they helped us and are probably helping us doesn't necessarily mean they really want to befriend us.

  13. Ian Friedrich Perhaps, as you suggest, XM IS the source of all human creativity, and without it we, as a species, are dumb as a box of rocks. No one advocates "removing" XM. To be clear, XM occurs naturally - on this we can agree and remain friends. We may even be on the same path if we decide that XM is a "necessary" environmental factor in terms of human evolution and the attainment of so-called enlightenment. No one advocates the "removal" of XM. Where we must part company, however, is the place where Enlightened  seek to not only accelerate what otherwise would be a natural process, but to shove it down the throats of every living human, all the while proclaiming "We know what's good for you!" and all the while ignoring the very real dangers and side effects that XM ALSO presents.
    To draw a parallel, The Enlightened are the Zoloft, and the Resistance are the FDA warning label.  No one is saying Zoloft is isn't beneficial, but whether misused or not, there are very real dangers from the side effects - use at your own risk, but be aware of and understand those risk.

  14. I completely agree that we should be prepared for the worst case scenario, but that doesn't necessitate full-blown paranoia. It's the difference between not accepting a drink from a stranger at a party in case it's drugged, and demanding that all supermarkets be closed and everyone must grow their own food in case the government is trying to drug us all. Being cautious never warrants taking extreme action. נוה טל

    Bruce Kraemer I don't believe anyone on this thread is advocating covering the world in a blanket of Enlightened green. Keep in mind that the original scanner technology was Resistance-only, built to block the voice of the Shapers completely. The Enlightened patch was a retaliation against this, designed to amplify what the Resistance was already trying to suppress. To revisit your analogy, the Resistance aren't warning people about the dangers. It's more like they heard about Zoloft and decided to not only ban it but to make all the chemicals it's made from illegal, and as a response the Enlightened started manufacturing as much Zoloft as possible and leaving samples in everyone's mailboxes. Both are equally misguided, both are potentially dangerous. So why can't both sides just allow clinical trials of Zoloft, so that doctors and patients together can decide if the risks are worth the benefits on an individual basis?

  15. The idea of genius and madness being together is a myth with little foundation in reality. It does however comfort those who feel they do not have it, as well as providing a convenient excuse for some. 

    Maybe we shouldn't be lighting fires: after all, the Gods might punish us! See what happened to poor Prometheus. No, best keep shivering in the dark.

  16. Thank you all for thoughtfully addressing my question. I see I was not the only one to pose it, and I apologize for the redundancy.

    There are a pile of presumptions related to XM, which I find myself questioning, such as:

    - Is the XM/civilization link causal or only correlative?

    - What is truly meant by "ordered data"? ADA was first to make this "discovery", but the term itself is not clearly defined. DNA could be considered as containing "ordered data", yet there is no evidence that the "order" is the result of directed intelligence. The "research" I've been able to find has been vague, at best. (Which would be consistent with researchers' apparent need to use an AI to do so: "A Detection Algorithm" - which is obviously a misnomer.)

    - Other than by personal "revelation" to ADA and Roland Jarvis, is there any real evidence that "Shapers" exist at all? Or that a "message" exists at all?

  17. Jon Luning Very good points to consider. I've questioned the existence of the Shapers from the beginning. Haven't seen any evidence of them, beyond the Creationist-style argument that the "ordered data" (which you quite correctly compared to DNA) had to be proof of an originating intelligence. I tend to suspect that the data in the XM is more a reflection of ourselves than anything else. And I think the link between XM and civilizations is reciprocal, with each attracting more of the other until a critical mass is reached... and what happens then?


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