Does anyone have any theories about why the shards are still on the map?

Does anyone have any theories about why the shards are still on the map? I'm trying to think of something and I can't think of any reasons.


  1. Future Jarvis iterations? Showing other traits and personalities. Maybe it's like Voldemort's horcruxes. Dunno ...

  2. The best theory is that they stopped tracking them and just never removed the last data set from the Intel map and the Scanner.
    That or they have stopped moving, and the man at Cupid's Span is potentially not Roland Jarvis.

  3. That was my guess. There's something not right about Jarvis, plus Hank's findings. I would think they would have taken them off by now if it was over

  4. It may also be that they remain there only as markers. Monuments if you will (as I wink through the fourth wall) to the events that occurred.

  5. The body was stated to be a construct, maybe it is drawing energy from the shards presence at the hotspot. Possibly once that energy is consumed the construct will no longer be able to be maintained and both the construct and the shards will dissipate. Think of it like a physical manifestation of the quantum entanglement of a sensitive with a portal where the shards are both the key and the power source.

  6. Has anyone tried moving any of the shards? It would seem to me that the shards still exist becuase the have not become whole. If this is the case then until all of them are on the same portal they are in a type of stasis

  7. The shards may have merely been conduits.  Though what the shards had contained has been extracted, the shard conduits themselves still remain...and do make awesome monuments for future agents to ask about...

  8. Perhaps Lynton-Wolfe was pretending having been brain-washed or just staying quiet because he's aware it's not Roland Jarvis?

  9. Andrea de'Rose he was moving his lips as jarvis was speaking. I think the control was real.

  10. Perhaps it was, or perhaps he was pretending to making you believe for some reason. Don't consider too much my hypotesis, but you never know what people may think..


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