So more about happened inside the old Niantic facility when HAZDATA and the Triad (the corps) attack.
So more about happened inside the old Niantic facility when HAZDATA and the Triad (the corps) attack. I haven't read it yet. The description from the GPlay: "An intense night takes an unexpected turn as the Niantic Project Laboratory located inside of CERN is finally shuttered. But the mysterious origins of Exotic Matter, and its potential for mankind, are too important for the corporations interested in exploiting it, and they converge on what was once the NIA's prized project, intent on getting their hands on the remaining researchers at the facility.
However, what starts as a military operation quickly takes a turn into the unknown as other dangerous players with their own agendas also arrive on the scene, intent on turning the chaos to their own advantage, and redefining the future of Exotic Matter."
However, what starts as a military operation quickly takes a turn into the unknown as other dangerous players with their own agendas also arrive on the scene, intent on turning the chaos to their own advantage, and redefining the future of Exotic Matter."
I believe this is the same text that was in the Seattle leak, but it is in a more readable format.
ReplyDeleteI believe that to be correct. I believe they have posted somethign to clarify that.
ReplyDeleteI read it last night. I have questions. But I do not want to start asking them until most, if not everyone else, has read this who is interested in reading it... so as to avoid spoilers. Or is that not something we don't worry about in this COMM?
ReplyDeleteThis is useful for reference if nothing else. The leaks are super hard to read.