If you have screenshots of a Jarvis Shard in the wild on a scanner, please post them.

If you have screenshots of a Jarvis Shard in the wild on a scanner, please post them.

I prefer several angles of the part. This is so I can reconstruct it into a 3d representation.


  1. I can not do anything with that. it is too low res. But thanks anyhow.

  2. Given the screenshots I have seen, I think each shard is a piece of the Enlightened symbol. I'll have to see a couple more to be sure.

  3. You know, I was looking at Brandon Badger 's screenshot, and it really does look like that from the side, but it was missing some pieces

  4. Right. I think it's just broken up into, well, shards. The one in the current screenshot looks rather like half of the downward pointing "ray" coming off the eye. I also saw another one that looked like it might be the top curve of the "eye".

  5. Kind of disappointing, at least from the perspective of making wacky models.


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