as Jim Typhoon mentioned in previous post and also asked by flint dille and others in the Operation Essex Hangout...

as Jim Typhoon mentioned in previous post and also asked by flint dille and others in the Operation Essex Hangout (if y'all are not a part of the hangout, let the mods know so they can add you, well until the magic number of a hangout is reached)  but... the questions is - how to turn those just playing Ingress and hacking portals more into the backstory and the things we often dig into here in Essex...

this is a thought game I like to play with and have for awhile.  I have lots of ideas (as those I incessantly send documents and thoughts to can verify :)  but I'll share a couple for now.

OK - this is a sucky document and you can tell how long ago it was made (Devra and Ben unaligned LOL) - but... I like cards. And Card games and even just collectible card games catch a lot.  Well, making cards as backstory and then getting those out into the INgress world could be one potential way to tie story and game more together way. 

You could have physical cards like the ones in this file and then even why not have digital ones that drop as media at portals????  And if you want the pure video game type of gamer AKA the master Hacker who could not care about story unless there is a reward - maybe have the cards link to the game and thus the backstory in some way....  maybe as upgrades on a portal you can put these cards in a slot and have them do something.. ok I know that is too wild but still... this is just wild spec anyhoos ;)

Anyhoos, even just dropping them and having a quick blurb would promote story (oohhhhh I miss the days of the Global Data Analysis Group factsheets)

AND there is my next idea - is global Data maybe making these glossy factsheets for other groups and even characters?  Having this as a digital PR package faction organizers can download and print out to spread around is awesome as Loyd Hutchings Lukas Lentz and many others mentioned - having a quick story time at a cross faction event can advance the connections sometimes faster than 

So spread a couple factsheets and story cards around... 

Around at what you say?? Glad you asked - well that goes into my other ideas of

1. having a kit or something faction event organizers can use to bring story to a local event - you know like the murder mystery in a box game for parties

2. Arranging a story anomaly event - I have a doc I sent on this to Hugo Neves  Linda Besh Lukas Lentz  and a couple others - let's have a Story conference or such as an official event that features presentations and all sorts of fun stuff... if nothing else, it should end up with a lot of created PR materials that people can share and use at other events - plus even have its own hashtag - whoooo ;)

3. Did I mention taking an idea flint dille had talked about and make a full blown RPG - which would be another outlet to develop story elements with a game related piece.....

and... well, ok, I will stop, can not wait to hear the other awesome ideas


  1. I had an idea for an Ingress-inspired multiplayer game that's Ticket to Ride-esque. There's two sides made up of cooperating players, and your turns are developing agents, controlling areas, and laying groundwork for expansion.

    All spitballing, maybe I should develop it a little.

  2. yes - I actually have an idea and overview for a miniatures game with a potential similar feel - definitely develop - the more types of games and ways to interact with the Niantic world the better IMO (of course I am not Niantic and they may not be so happy with that but oh well, I already have run a Niantic type RPG using a Deadlands system but a Shadowrun/Conspiracy X world feel and my gaming group seemed to like it... I play in rules lite systems because my group prefers a story driven RPG session, so I am use to that - would need more work to spiff it up for a more rules intensive tact - WHICH IMO is what keeps some hardcore INgress players from the story - look at all the stats and details these people put into planning an event - it is like a miniatures game full rule on - come on... and I do know those types of gamers do not have time for bogged down story often as they are focused on the combat and such, same with video games... so you have to be a bit more persuasive and build... ALA some of the games I mentioned in the chat such as Mass Effect and Bioshock and heck I even add in GTA in a way (although LA Noir was much better) - man even Bully did a great job of putting story with game elements :P

  3. ps I can only +1 your comment Jim but I would +many more it and encourage that - To me, creating a game is just like creating a fan art piece or story - it is all fanfic in terms of expanding the universe and reaching more

  4. I also did a Nianitc themed geo dead drop story line for a couple agents in my area that the end result was a tee shirt and a couple other goodies. Of course i made it clear that it was all fan fic and had no real connection to the real storyline.  The dead drops were all parts of a fan fic side story where they got chased by assassins and even encountered a portal person lol. I had QR codes that would link to Youtube videos that would help them. Some times the QR codes would go to a geo location and a clue of what to look for. 

    They had a blast and want to make their own for other agents.

    All in all I had a great time creating it, and went to some cool places in Elgin IL.

  5. Ooooo i like that Linda, can I be a beta tester? in fact for any of these game ideas can I be a beta tester please please.. I'll make a really cool art thing for an invite :)

  6. We are NERDS that know how to have fun :)

  7. I prefer Geek. Im not quite smart enough to be a nerd. LOL the question was asked what the difference between a nerd and a geek. I sum it up like this. One is Sci one is Sci-Fi.

  8. Well hmmm. Would you rather study string theory, and attempt on expanding it. Then in your spare time watch Dr Who. Or would you rather write scrips for Dr Who implementing the concept of string theory AND its possibities?

  9. Toughy, but more #2 ;) the DW reference distracted me :p

  10. Then it goes with out saying. You are a geeky nerd

  11. ok - so now I am seriously refocusing on the card aspect - just cuz.. :)  and I found this -  I think I am going to see if I can make some - anyone else?

    You know what would be really cool Niantic Project - kickstarter has a ton of the customized Bicycle card projects - I have funded a number and the card decks are always cool - plus the Magic Castle cards were cool too - wouldn't even a customized Ingress/Niantic card deck be cool?

    Hmm Who would we put as the different cards?  Who would be the Q of hearts?  The Jack of Spades?  Etc....

  12. 9 cents give or take per card!!!!!   I want to make these :)  this is too cool

    Has anyone ever worked with this company and can verify their goods??

  13. I'm in a ton of hangouts already but I'd like to be a part of the Essex hangout just to see what you guys are up to in there.


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