Before we get into the update, I'd like to make a formal announcement.

Before we get into the update, I'd like to make a formal announcement.

Yesterday, I made a huge leap forward and did something downright incredible: I managed to launch a brand new extension of this series on DeCode Ingress. For those who didn't see it, here it is:

I'd like to take a moment and say that I'm so glad this project of mine has taken off the way it has and I'd like to thank everyone who has been keeping up with everything, those who reshared it even though I never asked and everyone in Operation Essex for making this project so successful.

With that in mind, I do not intend to stop making updates here. The schedule I'm looking at now in terms of how the series will move forward is as follows:

Mon-Thurs: Niantic History updates on Operation Essex
Friday: Niantic History update and This Week in Niantic History review exclusively on DeCode Ingress.

Well, with that said, let's jump in, shall we?

Good afternoon, Investigators of Operation Essex. My name is Mustafa Said and this is Today in Niantic History.

Today is April 19th, 2014. One year ago today, a statement surfaced on the G+ account owned by the mysterious Curter Zokiev. In the transmission, he states that he tampered with XM technology in order to aid Agents with the oncoming Operation #ShaperData.

He made it so that XMP Bursters utilize XM in order to operate and that Portal Links are strengthened in an attempt to improve link and field stability.

Discuss and share your thoughts down below.

As always, keep on searching for the truth, Investigators.


Originally shared by Curter Zokiev


In preparation for the Portal Data Transmission operation on April 21, I have modified certain XM object constructs to aid your mission.

XMPs will soon consume XM during the detonation sequence to provide better spatial lock-on for the charge. Also, I have been able to modify the link behavior so that some amount of link energy can now be tapped by a Portal to deflect XMP energy. This should increase link and field stability.

I wish you the best of luck.

Curter Zokiev


  1. The XMP technologies still have a unknown potential, its only a little time remaining

  2. "Better spatial lock on" -- I remember how it was prior to this change.

    The XMP used to remain locked on to your scanner position as it cycled through its detonation sequence, and so if you were riding shotgun on a mobile assault, you'd have to lead your targets by guesstimating how long they were taking to detonate that day, and fire them off that much sooner, and hope that your driver would have you right on top of the target when they did blow up.

    Now that extra XM is used to let you drop the XMP at whatever location you are when you hit the firebutton, and then you can move on while waiting for it to detonate.


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