Intel Ops

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa
Intel Ops
It has come to my realization that some things have yet to be shared and since I have confirmed that while the puzzles were different in some areas, others were not and every clue was not in fact specific to faction, minus maybe the last ones. So I think it's safe to share these two little things I came home with.
For the Intel Ops missions I was a part of, we did not secretly go through a room trying to find Clues on a poster board like Matt Stevenson did. No, instead my team was instructed to walk the city and meet agents on the street that had very specific tasks and passageways we had to take to finally deliver information to Goruck Stealth Ops.
The biggest lore part for us, in our group, was our first task and that involved Glyphs and figuring out a decoded message with them.We walked all over the place, going where our handler told us to go, claiming and hacking portals as we went because we needed to prove we were all still together. All the while we were pushed to move a bit faster, or warned some one was following us. It really was alot of fun. There was a time we were in fact misdirected but our team lead was keen on making sure we had the right information. It was exciting!
One thing though, that everyone got, I was surprised wasn't shared as soon as the event started. So, now that we are past this event (and because I wasn't told I couldn't share it and didn't sign a NDA), I think it's safe to share the first message we were given. The QR code in my picture is what we were given and lead us to the video link below.
Here is a transcript to the video for those who need it.
Good evening Agents. You’ve been recruited by the NIA to to help collect vital intelligence that is scattered throughout this section of the city tonight. This data, once collated, should give us the ability to pin-point the exact position of a high value target we believe is hidden somewhere in san diego. The successful, at the end of the evening, we’ll hand off this information to the stealth ops agents operating nearby. Now to aid in your intelligence collection, your team will be tasked by one of our NIA controllers, via text message with carrying out a string of several missions for the next few hours. It is important to note that you will be directed by your controller to locations near specific ingress portals. You will also be required to use your ingress profile to prove your identity or verify a completed mission. Mission profiles will range from performing tasks for NIA field agents to retrieving a dead drop or decrypting a code and so forth. Your contacts tonight will all be identified by a code word that may appear on a hat, scarf, or other piece of clothing that they are wearing. You will also be given a code phrase and counter-sign for these field agent interactions. Your controller will give you this information on a need-to-know basis for each mission. And Finally two last things to remember. Everyone is potentially under opposition control and you are never completely alone. Be safe and Good Luck.
Ingress John Hanke Edgar Allan Wright flint dille H. Richard Loeb Project Isthmus Operation Essex Project Lycaeum Andrew Krug #ingress #intelops #cassandraPrime #goruck #stealthops
thank you. I wanted to sign up for this but wasn't sure what it entailed. my health isn't what it used to be, so heavy goruck challenges arent an option. I think I will sign up now.
ReplyDeleteSweet, I signed up for Philly intel ops, super pumped now!
ReplyDeleteSolomon Grundy I can tell you it's even lighter than clear field! At least it was for me
ReplyDeleteAwesome Bela Oehser ! I'll just say remember patience and that it's a new event for them so they are still learning!
ReplyDeletelooks like they're sold out. will have to try next time