
Showing posts from April, 2018

Investigators we need your help!!

Investigators we need your help!!

Based on historical patterns: It's time to decode and discover dead drops, Essex!

Based on historical patterns: It's time to decode and discover dead drops, Essex! Originally shared by Liminal Continuum Hello Agents. As we suspected from recent research, our Sensitive has experienced another vision that we need help to interpret. Following historical patterns, we suspect that there will be three locations to discern, with three associated portals at each. Furthermore, previous experience shows that dead drops await. Therefore, we request that you physically investigate any portals discovered within the encrypted data. Post your findings here on G+ using the hashtag #LiminalContinuum #LiminalContinuum #enigmagnus #Niantic #Ingress #IngressPrime #NianticLabs #CampNavarro #Navarro2018 #magnus2018 #Omniscient #Interpreter #epiphanynight #epiphanyNight2018 #PassageToOsiris #teamworkmakesdreamwork

The Omniscience Project needs your help!

The Omniscience Project needs your help! Operation Essex members have a lot of knowledge on the Ingress lore, please share it with the other agents. Go to to submit your questions for our quiz that will be playable for the first time at the Schloss Kaltenberg event. Originally shared by Ingress Omniscience To truly understand and prepare for what lies ahead, we must have an awareness of all things; from the Early Days all the way to our present reality. Past is prologue. The Omniscience Project is a portal luminescence project with the primary objective of combining the wealth of agents’ knowledge and experiences – their mind palace – and attempting to store it in a Vault, similar to the method Niantic Project Members used to store their memories in, prior to recursing. The collected data will be re-run for agents at Schloss Kaltenberg as simulated tests for verification and evaluation purposes. The intended outcome of the research sessions will be a total...

We completed the Morpheus document in Tokyo, Japan

We completed the Morpheus document in Tokyo, Japan On April 27, we succeeded in obtaining drops installed at three portals in Tokyo, Japan. YutoRaion created that's transcript, so I post it on his behalf. #TS-MORPHEUS #ProjectLycaeum #ingress Ishira Tsubasa Operation Essex

There is currently an issue with the #ts-morpheus website that is forcing the updates for morpheus to be switched to...

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa There is currently an issue with the #ts-morpheus website that is forcing the updates for morpheus to be switched to this Twitter account. Check out MORPHEUS (@TS_Morpheus): In the time that this has happened it has rendered Ticker useless for the time being so our main mode of catching updates with Morpheus has been temporarily disabled. This is where we need your help agents. There is going to be a dead drop in Japan so there should be many updates coming up and we need help to catch them all. There is already been a post that was made on this account and Morse code that was deleted shortly after it was posted. This is definitely going to be a test on how well we can catch these updates and any help would be appreciated. Thank you agents! Ingress John Hanke Edgar Allan Wright flint dille H. Richard Loeb Operation Essex Project Isthmus Project Lycaeum Andrew Krug #ingress #morpheus #passagetoOsiris...

At 3 a.m.

At 3 a.m. Japan time, the display of changed to "NIA TAKEDOWN IN PROGRESS", Octal code was added to the source after that. I decrypted it and confirmed the following message. > FOR UPDATES, FOLLOW Ishira Tsubasa YutoRaion #TS-MORPHEUS Originally shared by MailEater (白ヤギ) 【速報】TS-MORPHEUSサイト更新 本日午前3時、ウェブサイトの表示が「NIA TAKEDOWN IN PROGRESS(NIAの襲撃が進行中)」に変化し、その後暗号と思われるコードがソース上に表示されました。 解読してみたところ、次のメッセージを確認。 >FOR UPDATES, FOLLOW (更新は をフォローせよ) まだデッド・ドロップに直接関連する情報は入っておりません。 続報が入りましたらお知らせいたします。 #ProjectLycaeum #ingress #TS-MORPHEUS #心臓に悪い

Summary of the #LiminalContinuum Visions & Interpretations To Date

Originally shared by Liminal Continuum Summary of the #LiminalContinuum Visions & Interpretations To Date During the last few weeks, our Sensitive has experienced visions through the Liminal Continuum. To define what it is precisely, requires more investigation. To this point, it seems to be an anomalous creation - entity? - that does not exist within the restrictions of space-time, but utilizes these. It also has shown itself to be not one, but two Archetypes: the Interpreter and the Omniscient, though more to come in the near future related to this discovery. We suspect that it spawned within the dense XM that flowed into the Luminescent Heart, which was the Humanist tecthulhu at Camp Navarro in 2017. More research is required to continue on this Omniscient path. Where it leads is still unclear - but we feel compelled to uncover more. For now, in this entry, we will focus on the posters our Sensitive has created thus far. The Interpreted Posters Thus far, our sensitive has produ...

Morpheus England Dead Drop Transcript

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa Morpheus England Dead Drop Transcript After a successful gathering of a sudden dead drop in the Uk ( ), a new ripped up document was recovered showing us information about Agent Deltas personal diary.... Personally i find the logs more than concerning, Delta was a student and isolated from people for an extended amount of time and the reason why is not entirely clear. This data conflicts with earlier drops and leaves a lot to think about..... On top of this the description of certain things within this document make me think about artwork that has been made and Pi's reaction after this document was transcribed furthered the feeling of unease.... As operation essex agents pointed out there are a lot of things that seem closely related to Klada and other points of our history... I'm not sure what to think about this drop..

Morpheus Dead drop in England

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa Morpheus Dead drop in England We need your help agents there are dead drops right now at these two sites! Please grab them, take pictures of their contents, and post them please! It would be greatly appreciated!!!!,0.596781&z=17&pll=50.86105,0.596781,0.975302&z=17&pll=50.913521,0.975302 Ingress John Hanke flint dille H. Richard Loeb Edgar Allan Wright Hank Johnson Operation Essex Project Isthmus Project Lycaeum Andrew Krug #ingress #ts-morpheus #passagetoOsiris #epiphanynight

Nice to meet you, I am Kurita.

Nice to meet you, I am Kurita. I will post to Essex for the first time. There is a work called Primavera in the picture drawn by Botticelli that is stored in the Uffizi Gallery. Three beautiful goddesses and Hermes that appear in the picture seem to resemble the symbol of Morpheus.

=== #TS-Morpheus: #MorpheusMystery: Intercepted "Sign" message from...? ===

=== #TS-Morpheus : #MorpheusMystery : Intercepted "Sign" message from...? === Attention: Attached video have loud buzzer sounds, Pay attention to the volume. Actually, we detected "Sign" before Morpheus's notice about Deaddrop in Tokyo. In 2018-04-24 01:00 UTC, My ticker detected update of morpheus website. DEADDROPS EXCELLENT WORK! --> + + Soon. + The sound file exists in here: Audio was inverted. After reversing it back to normal sound, an Agent noticed through an investigator at Project Lycaeum. Agent said "This seems to be the sound of an Automaton Clock at Shiodome, Tokyo." Portal:,139.759931&z=17&pll=35.66386,139.759931 We immediately played attached videos. We listened many times for confirmation... Yes, That's right, this sound! We immediately sent some agents to the site, but we couldn't get any results. Howe...

=== #TS-Morpheus: #MorpheusMystery: Morpheus will come to Japan ===

=== #TS-Morpheus : #MorpheusMystery : Morpheus will come to Japan === ☆日本語記事はこちら: In 2018-04-24 11:30:00 UTC, My ticker detected update of . It excited me... No, it excited the Investigators of our Project Lycaeum! It means: Morpheus related Deaddrop will come to Tokyo!! + STATUS: PENDING. + + APPROXIMATE LOCATION: TOKYO, JAPAN + + + + DROP DATE: [REDACTED] + #Ingress Ingress Ingress Japan John Hanke Masashi Kawashima Chiaki Narusawa Kento Suga Ishitsuka Naoyuki Andrew Krug Edgar Allan Wright flint dille H. Richard Loeb #PassageToOsiris #Morpheus Ishira Tsubasa Operation Essex Project Isthmus

Hey H. Richard Loeb, you've been disappearing a lot.

Originally shared by Melissa Wikkedimp Hey H. Richard Loeb, you've been disappearing a lot. Is Misty Hannah teaching a few tricks? Are you hiding from someone? Do you need help? Or have you changed your name to Pi? Operation Essex Project Isthmus Edgar Allan Wright flint dille John Hanke Andrew Krug #Morpheus #Ingress

What do you see?

What do you see? Originally shared by Ron “mameone” Petty Interesting Intel from our reward portal in Nashville. What do you think it could mean Agents Operation Essex Ingress #DarkXmcure

We become more Omniscient through your Interpretations regarding the #LiminalContinuum vision decoding.

We become more Omniscient through your Interpretations regarding the #LiminalContinuum vision decoding. Thank you! Here is a small recap, with more promised to come. #Navarro2018 #PathToOsiris #Ingress Originally shared by Liminal Continuum Two more confirmed dead drops have been found. One in Sri Lanka and another in Japan bringing the total cities where drops were found up to 3. More great work by dedicated agents: Resistance and Enlightened alike! We are learning that these drops come in 3's. 3 regions, then each region has 3 portals to visit to reach one of three dead drops. We have realized that the portals often represent elements of "Past" "Present" and "Future." More soon on these recent discoveries soon and what it means going forward. #Niantic #CampNavarro #Navarro2018 #magnus2018 #Omniscient #Interpreter #epiphanynight #epiphanyNight2018 #PassageToOsiris #LiminalContinuum #teamworkmakesdreamwork Ingress H. Richard Loeb Andrew Krug Hank John...

#LiminalContinuum visions are frequent this weekend for our sensitive.

#LiminalContinuum visions are frequent this weekend for our sensitive. Help us interpret what she has seen to discover new locations and dead drops. The pattern so far has been one of threes. We suspect three locations in the world, and each site will have three portals that must be visited, with the clues leading to a dead drop at the third portal. Help us Interpret where to start. Swag and codes have seemed to be the rewards manifested at the end of each trail of portals. #Navarro2018 #PathToOsiris Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb Ingress Japan Ingress Originally shared by Liminal Continuum Earlier today, we learned and confirmed valuble information regarding our research. A detailed post on those findings to be released soon. In the interim we do know this: The Liminal Continuum inspires visions in our Sensitive, and the more we help Interpret, the further along the Omniscient path we proceed. Will you help us understand and interpret this newest piece of intel from our XM Sensiti...

the name of Morpheus is came from greek verb, "morphe" which means man who forms the shape.

the name of Morpheus is came from greek verb, "morphe" which means man who forms the shape. this reminds me "Shapers". also I think of it as a leet speak. Morphe can turn into 44012943. then TS may be 75. so 75-44,012,943=-44,012,868. what does it mean? #TS-Morpheus #-44012868 #1337

Another pattern of threes discovered with #LiminalContinuum dead drops!

Another pattern of threes discovered with #LiminalContinuum dead drops! Each vision leads to three sites, where three portals must be visited at each, and three dead drops to be discovered. #Navarro2018 Originally shared by Liminal Continuum Great finds, agents! We have been receiving reports that dead drops have been recovered in three locations, following the pattern of threes discovered during previous drops. Tulsa, Oklahoma San Antonio, Texas Sterling, Virginia The attached images were sent in to us with finds made at these sites. Recaps to come later to help us all sort through the data collected today and during previous dead drops. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this, it has been an incredible effort! Through your help to interpret, we continue on the omniscient path. Thus far we know the Liminal Continuum exists as two archetypes: Interpreter and Omniscient. So findings thus far support this. Below we'll compile posts involved agents made related to dead drop jour...

How to break a Ticker.

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa How to break a Ticker... Well you feed it a ton of Binary code apparently! The source code today on the #TS-Morpheus website was updated while we scrambled to get the dead drops in Houston and it broke the Ticker. This gem of a wall of binary was placed within, filling up the majority of my screen suddenly. Some quick thinking and i threw it into a binary decoder to get this message! 076 083 066 069 098 121 066 053 098 051 085 103 090 109 086 108 098 067 066 048 097 071 070 048 080 121 066 073 090 083 066 048 099 109 108 108 090 067 066 048 098 121 066 112 098 110 082 108 099 109 090 104 089 050 085 103 100 050 108 048 097 067 066 053 098 051 085 103 089 087 100 104 097 087 052 117 067 105 048 103 087 070 104 089 087 070 103 075 076 083 066 074 074 050 048 103 098 109 057 048 073 072 078 049 099 109 085 117 073 070 082 111 090 083 066 121 097 088 078 112 098 109 099 103 087 069 048 103 098 071 086 050 090 087 120 122 073 071 070 121 09...

Found in Tulsa, OK: A directive to another portal.

Originally shared by Liminal Continuum Found in Tulsa, OK: A directive to another portal. Thank you to Ishira Tsubasa for her help in decoding the found intel. Help us agents! #Niantic #CampNavarro #Navarro2018 #magnus2018 #Omniscient #Interpreter #epiphanynight #epiphanyNight2018 #PassageToOsiris #LiminalContinuum #teamworkmakesdreamwork #itstimetomove Ingress Hank Johnson H. Richard Loeb Andrew Krug Operation Essex

Agents, we have word of a dead drop found onsite at “Artificial Cloud Sculpture” in Tulsa, OK

Originally shared by Liminal Continuum Agents, we have word of a dead drop found onsite at “Artificial Cloud Sculpture” in Tulsa, OK . Here is the intel recovered. Can you help interpret this please? #Niantic #CampNavarro #Navarro2018 #magnus2018 #Omniscient #Interpreter #epiphanynight #epiphanyNight2018 #PassageToOsiris #LiminalContinuum #teamworkmakesdreamwork #itstimetomove Ingress H. Richard Loeb Hank Johnson Andrew Krug Operation Essex

I am certain the agents that found the dead drops in Houston, Texas for #TS-Morpheus will be posting their findings...

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa I am certain the agents that found the dead drops in Houston, Texas for #TS-Morpheus will be posting their findings later today but for the time i wanted to get the transcript of the files out so that everyone can see what they say. We are being introduced to a new member, Gamma, and i guess we now know what there was a lockdown.... Delta is missing. As pointed out in Essex, this chat log matches with some of the sites updates. Ingress John Hanke Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb flint dille Project Lycaeum Project Isthmus Operation Essex Andrew Krug #ingress #morpheus #passagetoOsiris #epiphanynight

Help get people on site at these dead drop locations! if you know anyone in these areas, please help!

Help get people on site at these dead drop locations! if you know anyone in these areas, please help! And help further decode the specific San Antonio location - thanks in advance! #LiminalContinuum #Navarro2018 Liminal Continuum Originally shared by Liminal Continuum Agents, After a break through from Daniel Hobbs , we received location pictures from anonymous sources - AND confirmation that there are live dead drops to be found at these locations. #Niantic #CampNavarro #Navarro2018 #magnus2018 #Omniscient #Interpreter #epiphanynight #epiphanyNight2018 #PassageToOsiris #LiminalContinuum #teamworkmakesdreamwork #itstimetomove Ingress H. Richard Loeb Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Operation Essex

The #LiminalContinuum has influenced our sensitive with visions again.

The #LiminalContinuum has influenced our sensitive with visions again. Help us interpret their meaning - where are they leading us this time? We learned last time, the visions guided agents to locations where they found dead drops. What will we discover now on this path toward omniscience? #Navarro2018 #Interpreter #Omniscient Originally shared by Liminal Continuum Agents, here is the first of two pieces of intel received by our XM Sensitive. By interpreting this information, you've made yourself an imperative part of our ongoing investigation. Share your discoveries here on G+ using hashtag #liminalcontinuum #Niantic #CampNavarro #Navarro2018 #magnus2018 #Omniscient #Interpreter #epiphanynight #epiphanyNight2018 #PassageToOsiris #LiminalContinuum #teamworkmakesdreamwork #itstimetomove Ingress H. Richard Loeb Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Tycho C.

Dead drops for Ts-morpheus in Houston Texas!

Dead drops for Ts-morpheus in Houston Texas! Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa Dead Drops in Houston, Texas I need your help agents! There's been a sudden Dead Drop for #ts-morpheus in Houston! I need someone to go get these and show us in investigation what's in them!,-95.355258&z=17&pll=29.748701,-95.355258,-95.383586&z=17&pll=29.761737,-95.383586 Ingress John Hanke Edgar Allan Wright flint dille Operation Essex Project Isthmus Project Lycaeum #morpheus #ingress #passagetoOsiris H. Richard Loeb

=== #TS-Morpheus: #MorpheusMystery: Japanese Rick Rock'n Roll ===

=== #TS-Morpheus : #MorpheusMystery : Japanese Rick Rock'n Roll === First, "#001" was added to "Response Time Experiment" header of Brunswick Deaddrop, which was written in the source code of around 19:00 2018-04-20 UTC. But now that I want to tell you is not this! About 07:00 the next morning, one link appeared on the site. A message from PI, and one audio file was attached. MESSAGE REGARDING DEADDROPS AND CRITICAL INTEL Dear Ingress community and decoders, My name is Pi. I'm part of the group that is behind the Morpheus investigation. After our Response Time Experiment in Brunswick we noticed some discussions between decoders who seemed to think that we have access to high level intel. As the drop did not contain that, they got irate and angry. We want to clear up some confusion. While we do have some access to various NIA files, we cannot access anomaly intel or any other intel that may grant an advantag...

Inthe Ingress Newsletter just mailed out, the following is mentioned, "A BRIDGE TO A NEW UNIVERSE

Inthe Ingress Newsletter just mailed out, the following is mentioned, "A BRIDGE TO A NEW UNIVERSE When Epiphany Night occured in 2012, knowledge around XM erupted and our world was never the same. But what if there is an Epiphany Night yet to come? A classified conversation between Hank Johnson and Akira Tsukasa reveals details about ‘The Osiris Sequence’ — a bridge into a new universe made possible by Ingress Prime. Will the Osiris Universe follow the path of this universe? Or will it change in unimaginable ways? So the other universe is the Osiris Universe and Ingress Prime is the method for connecting our universe to the OU (Osiris Universe) - right?


Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa Epsilons Images In working with the #Ts-Morpheus missions a variety of images have been shared with Essex. Of course we have been digging to understand them and find where their inspiration has come from. *Image 1* received April 14th in the mission project room In the background of the pink photo closely relates to a painting named The Realm of Hypnos by Elsie Russell. Hypnos is the father of Morpheus and in this image Morpheus is present. “Morpheus alights to waken the dreamer as Hypnos orchestrates the dream in the crystal ball he holds.” Elsie Russell, 1995 The tower silhouette in front of it is of course Wardenclyffe Tower, or Tesla's tower. In previous drops we know that Tesla is some how connected with this group. *Image 2* received April 14th in the mission project room The dark grey image with the skeleton is inspired by an image of the Neil Gamans Sandman, which is another name for Morpheus. I found the skeleton in ref...

What more has been seen in the #LiminalContinuum by our sensitive? Where... And when... Will it lead you?

What more has been seen in the #LiminalContinuum by our sensitive? Where... And when... Will it lead you? Join our journey to Interpret the visions to come, and pursue Omniscience. #Navarro2018 Originally shared by Liminal Continuum Agents. We have received 2 more strange drawings from our XM Sensitive. We will require your assistance in decrypting them. Help us discover the hidden research so we may interpret the locations The Liminal Continuum has revealed as significant through her visions. You can view our previous findings here: We believe that the upcoming intel may have similar results. Keep a close watch here and our other social media channels for suspected intel. FB: IG:

I didn't find anything with the limited tools I have, so I pass this on to the investigators here.

I didn't find anything with the limited tools I have, so I pass this on to the investigators here. Is there something hidden in the distorted areas or is it just stylistic shifting? #TS-MORPHEUS #ingress #MorpheusMystery Originally shared by Daniel Hobbs Took a peek at the source code on the TS-MORPHEUS website and found one of the rewards for completing the dead drop yesterday. There's a file posted in the comments " " ROT13 the quoted section and you get: The obvious message is the four glyphs: "SEARCH TRUTH; SAVE CIVILIZATION". I'm going to look at the picture a little more closely to find if there's a deeper message hiding somewhere. Ishira Tsubasa #TS-Morpheus #OperationEssex Operation Essex

Some of the exogenous, maybe?

Some of the exogenous, maybe? Originally shared by Ancient Origins The Children of Woolpit is an ancient account dating back to the 12th century, which tells of two children that appeared in the village of Woolpit in England. They had green-hued skin and spoke an unknown language. While some view the story as a folk tale that that describes an imaginary encounter with inhabitants of another world beneath our feet or even extraterrestrial, others accept it as a real, but somewhat altered account of a historical event that merits further investigation.

Operation: "Moderne Architektur"

Originally shared by derMoge Operation: "Moderne Architektur" (Deutsche Übersetzung weiter unten) Just a normal week for an enlightened player in Brunswick, shortly after the mission day most of the gear burned - we need a farm! Luckily finding enough players wasn't that much of a problem and so we gathered at the planned point, when all of a sudden someone shouted out that there was something posted in ALL-COM: 7:54 PM Ishira: Agents i need your help! I do not care if it is blue or green but the Portal Moderne Architektur needs to be a level 8 portal for an Investigation challenge! Your help would be greatly appreciated! There is also a dead drop in your city by this portal 7:54 PM Ishira: needs to be retrieved, photographed, and share with the investigations community. You can message me through my profile or on GPLUS and find the exact portal with clues you need to find this piece What the hell? Does someone know Ishira - its a RES Agent. Can we trust her? Very fast we...