what happened before will happen again is happening now

what happened before will happen again is happening now

#LiminalContinuum #Navarro2018 #Ingress

As global participation lead on this amazing team, I am thrilled to invite you to join us again!

We piloted the global collaborative in 2017 with wild success through the winning #LuminescentHeart project. We're expanding the ways you can be a part of our Navarro Magnus project in 2018 - have a look, and join us on our adventure again!

The project is xfac, we invite you all, and look forward to seeing what wonders you create with us.

website: http://www.liminalcontinuum.com
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liminalcontinuum/
g+: https://plus.google.com/114409553601935368712
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_4N5VFtvdO8b87XZedk53g

Originally shared by Liminal Continuum

I’m drawn in...beckoned to come closer. There are clearly residual effects from prior portal luminescent projects that have manifested in this space. 

As I approach, I begin to feel a strong pull; space and time seem to be folding in around me. I no longer hesitate but take that step into the void.

Immediately my senses begin to blur. Somehow I see and hear agents in places I’ve never visited. Where are they? _When_ are they? And the portals—they are like nothing I’ve experienced before. Have they manifested into physical space?

I cannot help but to let my mind sink deeper into the images I’m receiving. I can feel that there’s more here that I need to decode and understand. As I lose myself in the visions I realize that my pulse has synchronized with the voices I’m hearing, even though I don’t always understand the words.

I struggle to pull myself back to the present...I’m convinced that this unification of agents has been directly driven by the portal luminescent projects.

What will you see when you look into the Liminal Continuum?

#liminalcontinuum #Navarro2018 #Ingress #13Magnus



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