Quick question - who is KodamaSmiles talking to in this video set? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVbQanKftlE&

Quick question - who is KodamaSmiles talking to in this video set? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVbQanKftlE&


  1. Certainly no government official (as they would get their reports from Jay Phillips).
    Maybe a reporter or a competitor? Maybe a new group like Omnilytics?

    I'd think that this made her a whistleblower or leaker and we all know how those are treated - especially after the weird circumstances of her disappearance.

  2. She could be probabòy addressing a specific group of agent that needed to receive this information.

  3. Richard Doni Given that the Video starts from the perspective of a surveilance camera, I'm relatively certain that whoever leaked that video to us was not Kodama but instead someone "shadowing" and "hacking" her conversation.


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