help gain knowledge inside resistance

help gain knowledge inside resistance

TL;DR: 93.17% H-G-F-D-B (B) B-G (G-D) D-F-E-K-D (D) D-E-H (H-E) E-D-A-F-K-G

We spend roughly 4.73 units drawing the HELP glyph, roughly 1.73 units drawing the GAIN glyph, roughly 8.92 units drawing the KNOWLEDGE glyph, roughly 2.73 units drawing the INSIDE/NOT glyph and roughly 9.19 units drawing the RESISTANCE/STRUGGLE glyph. That results in a total drawing distance of 27.32 units.

We move 1 unit between the GAIN and the KNOWLEDGE glyph and 1 unit between the INSIDE/NOT and the RESISTANCE/STRUGGLE glyph, resulting in a total non-drawing distance of 2.

This culminates in a 93.17% efficiency.


  1. What I ask myself reading your studies: "Does efficiency correlate with the amount of xm influencing?"

  2. Metamorphis that is possible. I'll put up a list of currently considered theories in the foreseeable future.

  3. Gerald Wolf I am very curious about the comparison between the sequences and the corresponding efficiency. Go on with your thoughtful studies!

  4. I have tried out a couple of the sequences you have suggested, And I must say it is strange that my augmentation is reacting in ways I have not experienced.

  5. But only when I can actually get the sequence correct the first time.

  6. Its as if you have discovered the correct "Grammer"? I want to say, of the glyphs themselves. Otherwise just like any other language spoken there is a correct grammar for that language. I believe you may have discovered this with individual glyph sequences. Please don't stop I believe you may be onto something

  7. Or the way writing in cursive is a lot more efficient and fluid. Wildman the study is really blowing my mind.


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