Sometimes in the Essex chat, we can have some of the craziest discussions and at other times they go really deep.

Sometimes in the Essex chat, we can have some of the craziest discussions and at other times they go really deep. This particular time it was a discussion of free will and whether AI's have it.
So do AI's, in particular, ADA, have free will? Did she chose to be a 'she' and did she chose her name?
In trying to figure this out, Ishira Tsubasa​ and I, both, ran across two separate documents that answer this question differently.
In the first document(found in Niantic Files Vol 1), it suggests that ADA's name and gender were chosen for her by Henry Bowles before he managed to get H. Richard Loeb​ on board at Niantic. While in the second picture(also found in Vol 1) suggests that ADA chose her name and gender during her Turing test with H. Richard Loeb​
So a couple questions arise from this.
Why did Bowles and Calvin act surprised by A Detection Algorithm​'s choice in name and gender?
Or were they more surprised that ADA passed the Turing test so easily?
Did +H. Richard Loeb learn that he had been played and this is, in part, what led him to become PA Chapeau?

What do you think?

Edgar Allan Wright​


  1. I'm honestly wondering if Bowles and Calvin set it up for A Detection Algorithm​​​​ and H. Richard Loeb​​​​ to have the relationship they have. By having her 'name' herself by Richards suggestion it created a connection. Or what if that's not the case.

    My questions are who knew? Did Richard truly not know Ada had already been named? Or did he purposefully lead her to choose the name she had already been given? Did Ada know? Or did she truly believe she chose her own name through words that Richard told her representerd her, thus making it seem like Richard named her? Does she know now that her name isn't one she chose? The answer of these could show just how much choice Ada has or hasn't had since her beginning.

  2. I’ll need to weight in on this.. I’ll need some research first about known decisions or potential creativity expressed by ADA.

    I still feel like even if she is conscious and aware she’s isn’t really autonomous... she still appears to be attempting to fulfill a coded directive..


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