ingress logo is now gray.

ingress logo is now gray. not cyan(green plus blue). what does it mean? to make gray, you need 3 primal light colors, blue, green, and red, equally. as you know, blue represents Resistance, and green represents Enlightened. how about red? it relates with Chaotic matter, aka Dark XM, which contain in in-app items, such as Frakker. also you can see Dark XM eruption when you neutralize a portal. so I'm sure something red will appeare in scanner. probably, the red faction will join the battle of XM, as the third faction.
イングレスのロゴが灰色になりました。シアンではない(緑と青)。どういう意味ですか?灰色にするには、3つの原色の明るい色(青色、緑色、赤色)が必要です。ご存知のように、青は抵抗を表し、緑は悟りを表します。赤はどうですか?それはFrakkerのようなアプリ内の項目に含まれるChaoticの問題、別名Dark XMと関連しています。また、あなたはポータルを中和するときにDark XMの噴火を見ることができます。だから私は赤色のものがスキャナに浮かぶだろうと確信している。多分、赤い派閥が第3の派閥としてXMの戦いに加わるでしょう。
Bah. Hue is undefined. Saturation is nil. Luminosity is somewhere around 70%
ReplyDeletePerfect way to kick off the 5 year anniversary, by reviving the most popular topic of speculation for the year 2012
ReplyDeleteGood analysis but Red Faction does not make any sense. It would ruin the whole game. It will never come, as long as they want to keep Ingress live
ReplyDeleteIt would not need to be a faction color. As far as i know, exogenous entities are a new element of the game. We already have grey portals. And cross faction is already a thing.
ReplyDeleteThe exo 5 anomaly has already warned us of new elements in the game...
Silver anniversary is 25. Ingress 2.0 + 5 ? shrug