Theory- Hank Johnson in Gwalia?

Theory- Hank Johnson in Gwalia?

Now this is just a theory, but Hank Johnson could be searching for Misty Hannah in Gwalia. This is a fascinating location with a tie to American History. By 1919, the Sons of Gwalia Mine dug down to the depths, with a shaft 1.2 km in length- it was one of, if not the deepest, Australian mines at that time.

The mine operated from 1897 to 1963. Interestingly, Herbert Hoover, who became the 31st president of the U.S, served as a mining engineer there. A serious fire in January 1921 destroyed half of the mine and nearly the entire staff were laid off. When the mine was closed in 1963,in under three weeks, the population plummeted from 1200 to 40, making it a ghost town with little population, a museum, and the Hoover House hotel.

Gwalia is one of Australia’s greatest living ghost towns. So what could Misty Hannah be searching for there? This is just a theory, and there are other options out there, but this location stood out.,121.330481&z=16&pll=-28.914163,121.328202

H. Richard Loeb Edgar Allan Wright


  1. He explicitely stated that he was heading to the "western desert, south-east of perth"
    Gwalia would be north-east of perth.

  2. Gerald Wolf​ depends on where he's starting from- but true. There are options out there.

  3. Aaron P "rainforest of Queensland, Australia", he said.

  4. Michelle Smith I know, I put the Transcript in the comments of the G+ Video ;)

  5. #Transcript

    Hello, agents. Hank Johnson here.

    This NOMAD extra is coming to you from the rainforest of Queensland, Australia.

    The Brisbane anomaly is complete and the Enlightened have won the day. I breathe a sigh of relief at this. I say this because if the Resistance had been victorious then the plans that Misty Hannah had to lure an exogenous entity into her mind palace would have been controlled by the N’Zeer. A horrific thing for humankind.

    But Misty is still out there. And if she’s watching, I just wanna say, “Come back inside. We can help you. As skilled as you are, this (this) thing you’re undertaking is beyond the scope of your abilities and you’re inviting disaster. I think I know where you are, Misty. Stay there and I’ll find you.”

    Agents, if you need me, I’ll be in the western desert, south-east of perth; searching for a dark xm mine. So until our paths cross again, Hank Johnson out.


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