So today (now yesterday) was AMA Monday with Andrew Krug and I decided to ask a question and was lucky to be given...

Originally shared by Ariel Diana (Arielsmurfeater)

So today (now yesterday) was AMA Monday with Andrew Krug and I decided to ask a question and was lucky to be given an opportunity to not only get an answer but also to be able to give my input.

"Q2: Ariel Diana (Arielsmurfeater) - Is there going to be any new glyph sequences released before the anomaly series on August 26th, that the Glyph Journal should be aware of before all chaos breaks out?
A2: Maaaaaaaaybe. We were actually commenting about maybe letting the Agents decide the next few phrases based on some sort of voting system. What do you think of that? Tag me in a post with your reply."

Well Andrew here is what I see as a much greater opportunity for player engagement than what is currently experienced by many players. As a person who is so far down the rabbit whole I don't think I can see light any more, my view may not be that of the majority of the player base but as other that know me can attest, I dive deep into more things that most would think possible.

I see people that don't know much regarding the story line or glyphs and this is a way to try and encourage players to dig into the story line. I do feel that players can contribute new sequences however they should be 5 glyph sequences as we know alot of different 2, 3 or 4 glyph sequences can come from a 5 glyph sequence. I also believe there are sequences that have not entered our scanner yet that can be used to encourage players to think and possibly investigate and look things up in the story line.

However, I also know that this can lead to alot of controversy and strife and hard feelings. This can also lead to a lot of submissions and someone will have to sort through them. This is where I think voting can come in useful to help narrow down the submission to a more manageable level. At this point, I think it would be good to involve the investigative community involved in Operation Essex to be able to see how the resulting sequences could work with the story line. If the size of Operation Essex is to large to be a manageable size of reviewers you can always narrow it down to those who have earned the EAW badge.

However just the investigators alone I feel wouldn't cover the full spectrum of those impacted by glyphs. There are those out there that may not be involved so much in the story line but are involved in the research, breakdown and understanding of the glyphs that have been recorded by those participating in the Glyph Journal.

I'm not sure on what the ratios would be but this group of agents working with Niantic could possibly help draw more agents into the story line instead of agents feeling overwhelmed by the story line (I admit I am one that felt overwhelmed until I decided to take the plunge and at times still feel overwhelmed). I do know that as Ishira Tsubasa said, there are several agents that would be excited and willing to help when needed; Niantic only needs to ask.

Yes I know this is practically a book, but I wanted to be able to make my opinion as clear and concise as possible. Thank you for asking for my input regarding this very interesting and unique opportunity.

Niantic John Hanke Ingress


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