Remote Participation As a Means of Historical Understanding

Remote Participation As a Means of Historical Understanding

I noticed something a little strange during our last remote participation session that we held this past Saturday.

We were exploring Blackbeard's last stand, and during the session, the roll of the dice and the flow of combat reflected what is recorded as historically happening.

You read that correctly, our session mimicked the historical account of Blackbeard's last stand. This is exactly something that Edgar Allan Wright postulated himself on one of previous posts. As he commented, "Edgar Allan Wright
+Kosh TheRipper Precisely. If you remember the 'Remote Viewing' studies that numerous intelligence agencies participated in for several decades. It is the opinion of many that they indeed bore fruit and that with with the advent of mass XM harvesting (along with Chaotic Matter) we are now not only capable of traveling geographically, but in time and the manifestations actually split time and produce alternative branches or shift our own branches. The question is, if we have shifted events, how would be know it?" - From

As the key turn in the tide of battle in our session is on page 34 of the session log, with one player rolling a near perfect hit against Blackbeard, mimicking the outside blow from one of the other crew as LT Maynard fought with Blackbeard in close quarters.

As is said in history, Blackbeard was shot five times and still fought, it was the act of beheading that killed him

*What do you think agents?*

For myself, the session was a bit eye opening, as it was no longer something that I just read in a history book and filed away in the back of my mind. I now had a lense of imagination in which I experienced a possible way this could have happened, how people could have looked and the aftermath of that encounter.

Edgar Allan Wright flint dille John Hanke Chiplander Anne Beuttenmüller Ethan Lepouttre Andrew Krug


  1. If we were playing a using system that doesn't have fixed damage, I can see a bunch of low damaged shots that widdled Black Beard down to 1 HP before the attack was made.

    Overlooking that, he straight out pulled a Euron Greyjoy during combat and went god mode.


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