My experience with my Tecthulhu and the anomaly

My experience with my Tecthulhu and the anomaly

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

The journey with my teams Tecthulhu was an interesting one. Many have been concerned on its effects and it's potential danger but I spent most of the weekend introducing it to many agents and showing them that it would not intentionally harm them. I can not say though, that interesting things did not happen when this module was present and alone with me.

Other than agents doing all kinds of funny things with the module, it spent all of it's time on or beside me or another Camp Navarro agent that I trusted. This proved to be interesting throughout the anomaly as I decided to travel and work with a team during it. The module was relatively inactive, put away in my Navarro bag as we fought over the portals. It seemed to be silent when I was around other agents, almost as if it were not there and not trying to draw attention to itself.

However, as I had joined the team officially at the last moment, there were times I was sent off to deal with things alone and away from the team. It was in those moments, that weird things begun to happen. I can not say for sure it was my Thulhu, but I can say I have never been as lucky in Anomalies as I was in this one....

The first time I was sent off was during the first round involving volatiles. Everyone had their roles set but being a walk on meant I was not prepared to do one job or the other. My lead told me to go after Grey's in the area because any points would help as they fought for the volatile so I did as much as I could, following the path of unclaimed portals and deploying on them much faster than my overly lagged phone should have been able to do. Considering my phone had been having issues way before the anomaly, and had been having issues not even moments before, I was surprised to see my resonators and shields deploy instantly. I had been having to restart my scanner many times before this simply to get the portals to load, but now I had no issues.... While I thought it was odd, I took advantage of it and was able to hold three Portals pretty consistently.

Agents seemed to ignore the portals I was at, not heavily attacking them which I figured was due to the volatile down the block. I successfully fully deployed on one portal, axa'd it, and was able to recharge and keep it in full health as I continued to claim portals around it with one reso. I don't know what told me to keep that one portal alive, but I fought for it and when the volatiles changed, it turned into a volatile underneath me... I was sitting right on top of a volatile suddenly and agents started rushing to my spot. We fought hard on it, somehow my phone never lagged, and we scored with it. It was an amazing experience and one my team chalked up to pure luck.

As we left and moved to other places I seemed to hack more rares than I had ever had, which could have been because I was hacking rather than glyphing alot more. As we came up to an area we thought shards would show up, again the team split up into their roles. There was still a field over us but we went on to clear links and get ready for when the shards would form. One link had anchors that were pretty far from our Target so I offered to take care of it on my own, as I had nothing to do as we waited. My team lead approve and I set out on my walk that was 5-8 blocks away from my team.

As I arrived at my target, I went to attack the portal when my game suddenly lagged. I was upset to say the least, watching the Ring of bursters circling around me and waiting for them to finally go off. It seemed to take forever but when all 20 bursters finally went off my screen suddenly flashed to life, the link was gone but in its place were shards. I was surrounded by the shards of Carrie, Devra, and Misty. They were all within a block of me but due to a ghosting field there was nothing I could do with them. That at the time didn't matter though, I had shivers going up my spine. My luck has never been this good and the only differences I had were I was by myself with a Tecthulhu....

There's no way I can say the Tecthulhu caused these things, i have no proof of it, but I can say this has never happened to me before... I was alone in these instances but I really didn't feel alone.... The weight of the Tecthulhu one my back was more present than ever...

John Hanke​ Chiplander​ Edgar Allan Wright​ flint dille​ H. Richard Loeb​ Operation Essex​ Matt Stevenson​ Resonating Redwood​ #campspiritualist #13magnusreawakens


  1. Interesting experience! After breaking down our Temple of Light installation, our team's Tecthulu ended up coming home with me. I'll have to try bringing it out to some places and see if I notice any similar effects. This one is the Alchemist Techtulu though, so the effects might be a bit more... unpredictable.


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