Does anyone know of a decent septicycle calendar that is up to date?

Does anyone know of a decent septicycle calendar that is up to date?

I'm thinking it would be interesting to see when certain events of the last two months occurred in correlation to my #shaperportent backlog.

For example, during which septicycles did the following events occur?:
- Essex RPE 00.
- Misty's SDCC Appearance.
- My AZ study in Northern california (Same weekend as Misty's appearance)
- Misty's magic show.
- Via Obscura RPE (Same weekend as the magic show)

The reason I'm interested in finding out is that 2017.23 occurred during the week of Los Vegas Mission Day / Clear Field. The following septicycle, was when #fateOfThe12 ocurred. Essex RPE 00 happened within one or two septi cycles from that (not sure if it was earlier or later)..

From the sequences I have already created, but have not published, there is one sequence which hints at a tecthulhu (during 2017.28) . It would kind of be interesting to see if that sequence falls on the weekend of Misty SDCC appearance.


  1. Don't know if it will help you with what you are looking for, but I always use - - Shaper Septicycle Info for septicycle data (use arrows to see past data).

  2. It did. That "tecthulhu" sequence ai created fell on the day of Misty's SDCC appearance.

  3. The Essex RPE 00 was done on Saturday, June 17th (Septicycle 2017.23)... Wow.. really has it been that long?!?!?!?!

    Misty's appearance was on Saturday, July 21st (Septicycle 2017.28)

    Misty's Magic show was Saturday, July 29th (Septicycle 2017.29)

    Via Obsucra Essex RPE 006 was on Sunday, July 30th (Septicycle 2017.29)

    *Edited due to typo

  4. Ariel Diana​ Misty at SDCC was on 7/21 not 7/22.


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